
It doesn't walk it rolls, my dreams are crushed :/.

@Settings: Its actually pretty common for Sony, they do buy quality merchandise, but its still cheaper for them to just buy that from someone else and manufacture the rest to imply that its all made by sony. And, as far as i understand, sony only buys the panel itself, so any other hardware would still be theirs

@tipt0n: I believe... im not 100% sure on this... but, im fairly positive it does have Netflix streaming, thats almost like movie rentals (beyond that, it has a lot more access to more obscure sources of internet movies).

@tipt0n: Boxee does support 1080p, plus a lot more video formats, and its an open system, so anyone can make apps for it (albeit few do, only about 100 of them right now).

What, no more Lego guest art? That was the coolest guest artist yet, what will we do without him :(.

@Homerjay has ABSA Fever: I think with the current level of technology in the world, we've probably hit a scientific wall with cleaning carpets. (what else can they add to vacuum cleaners?)

@sans_fi: your picture seems to ignore the fact that the sun doesn't hit just that one point, it hits the entire building creating one point that is exceptionally hot.

Ah, Kevin Bacon made from soy, corn starch and red #3, they may not be actual bacon, but they're still tasty...

@corpore-metal: I personally prefer cyborg teeth, my dad got his teeth replaced with some crazy space age material drilled into his skull on titanium studs. (they are flawless and indestructible)

@FrankN.Stein: Well, ya know, if you can make extra ones, its all just a matter of how you long you can make them.

@enteecee: There are other chemicals that can sustain life, water just happens to be the simplest and most abundant chemical required for life. Its not that its the only option, its just a lot (a whole lot) more likely than any other option.

@styfle: It has a lot more features than is listed there too, it has photostreaming, you can control it via cellphone much like the others, and it has quite a few apps, the chart is flat out wrong as far as boxee goes, you'll be even better off with a boxee.

Hedop? Anyone have any insight on this one?

@Dr_Facepunch: Just because they haven't done anything horrible lately, doesnt mean they're excused, its not like they've done anything nice... until now. They're still a horrible company, they're just more subtle.

@tk-421: There are a lot of other issues, add #corrections to your comment, it helps.

@Aquifel: Nvm on the price issue, looks like all the preorders get the 199.99 price.

The boxee info seems very misinformed, if nothing else the price is wrong, its actually going for $220 now.

Not a touchscreen and no attached watchband, product fail :/.