
and we didn’t ask for it.

So Hot Take: I am actually glad they did Fat Thor, it is actually a fairly well done handling of PTSD and depression and how people tend to deal with those who suffer from it, i.e. not well) CinemaWins actually does a great breakdown of it in his video on Endgame. I’m hopeful this film follows through on it.

Holy christ, maybe next time let someone who actually enjoyed the trailer do a breakdown of it

Everybody hates on Thor 2, and I kinda get it... The dark elves sucked, but I liked pretty much everything else about it. There was a lot of fun humor throughout, which got crazy and hilarious in the final battle sequence. The Capt. America cameo in the middle was great, and Loki was as Loki-ish and unpredictable as

Yes, yes, Leto is a pretentious asshole, but this:

It took me about 4 reads to understand the difference between Feanor, Finrod, Filgolfin, Finarfin, and Fingon. 

Or... he questioned her and she beat the fuck out of him. I mean, she looks like she has the reach and weight advantage over him

A new generation gets to see how dense and unreadable 90% of the Silmarillion can be.  That said, I’m excited to add a new edition to my collection. 

Too soon? 

Everything you’ve said is entirely correct. You should be awarded many stars.

As out of fashion as “episodic” shows have become with everyone treating shows like really long movies you watch a bit at a time, I really do hope that we get some of that short story feel back with this show. In TOS, it’s that one where Kirk fights the Gorn, or the one with the pon far fight music, or the one where

Aw jeez Rick we gotta help those animators!”

“...Fine. But you say proletariat even once and I’m teleporting the building into a black hole.”

“Somehow George Kirk returned.”

“Commenter aims, but misses.” 

First image has already leaked

He was offworld headlining Jizzchella

It’ll be Palpatine. It’s always Palpatine.

It always sucks to have your only two choices be “bad” and “worse”