
Remember when Dan Didio wanted to have Nightwing be killed off in Infinite Crisis?

I love that their games are so divisive. Somehow even more fun enjoying a game knowing some dorks out there are really mad about it.

Wind turbines slow the movement of air which causes additional heat and slows the movement of low and high pressure zones Immediate effect !”

Wind energy will not work long term as this causes an immediate effect on weather.”

It’d need a good name, though.

Isn’t it more that Blake was about to get a bad grade in his future securing AP English class because he didn’t even finish the assigned reading, so his mother went full Karen, blaming the book, the school and everything in this Black excellence blessed world but her insufficiently scholarly offspring? Is that not the

You must REALLY shit your pants over Pat Smear then.

This coming from an account with Trent Richardson’s name will never not be hilarious.

So we gonna ignore the blatant OPI that set up the game winning FG? Between Dallas’ kicker leaving 8 points off the board and their inexplicable ignoring Zeke Elliott The Cowboys were in fine form. Say what you will about The NFL no league delivers entertainment like them. Maria Taylor did the damn thing, Al Michaels

Well I, for one, subscribe to OnlyFans for the articles.

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It’s OK, Michael Keaton, you’re a goddamn national treasure and that’s all that counts

It wasn’t cool. It was badass.

I didn’t think it was all that bad. Was not great but was not bad.

This is the correct response for anything about Sinclair.

Colorado could take a few notes from Texas on infrastructure. You see, here in Texas — we don’t need the help of the government to tell us how infrastructure should work.

Meanwhile here in AZ we’ve had our first normal monsoon season in a while.

Or maybe, just maybe everyone who was dying to see it in a theater already did so you got the dropoff. Or crazy thought maybe the Delta variant causing an increase in infection rates is making people think twice about going to a theater. Who knows.

Popped collar. Neckbeard. Lack of tangible eyebrows. Bond villain glasses.

I agree with Mackie’s larger point that fans should stop trying to read queer subtext into every close male relationship in film. People have been doing the shipping thing for a long time now in fandom circles, and it’s really not great. When there’s this push to say “oh, Frodo and Sam are definitely gay,” it degrades