
The Others would’ve been pretty amusing with Hellboy involved.

Rural AM radio? Yes, many things. Mostly the fact that it’s a bunch of ill-informed, angry, right-wing loons spouting conspiracy theories and other dangerous garbage.

So you’re saying that all the writers here implicitly condone necrophilia, the favorite pastime of noted necrophiliac Jim Spanfeller?

Within months of his appointment as CEO in April, Spanfeller fired or pushed out the only women and people of color previously on the executive team, and brought in six former colleagues, all white men, from his days at Playboy, Forbes, and Ziff Davis, to fill leadership positions, as previously reported by Deadspin

Who? Never Herb of him. I mean HEARD.

One of the sad things about the modern day is there is absolutely no tolerance for mistakes. At work we had a subscribed blocklist on campus internet blocking malware, adware, and hardcore pornography. The vendor of the blocklist incorrectly mis-categorized a black specific dating site as hardcore pornography for a

e-bikes for most personal trips (to say nothing of public transit)“


I’m annoyed because I thought every Dawn of X book would maintain numbering through the entirety of this era. But this renumbering kinda makes sense. Presently the main X-Men book hasn’t been telling a consistent story: it’s been a broad look at various events and characters around Krakoa. The renumbering—aside from

No, no, no; his father’s people are Sicilian! And his great great grandmother on his mother’s side was, uh, a Cherokee princess! He’s just... swarthy, you see...

Just put the damn thing on D+’s premium tier already. 

I feel like Canyonero should be replacement for Suburban or Expedition Max.

I’ll get it out of the way, Jeepy McJeepface.

Even 40 years later, I still remember the Mark Hamill episode. Gargling Gershwin. 

When I first saw this as a kid, I was sure that Jamey Sheridan was wearing some sort of rubber prosthetics, since his face just looks weirdly off and unnatural in many scenes.

So I was up most of the night after the “debate” and started thinking of names for the fly:

I didn’t catch it until I read your quote, and this might be giving him too much credit, but did he try to sneak something in by saying “unsolicited ballot”? As far as I know most places say you have to request, either on your own (like in KY) or by mailing in an application that was sent to you, to get a ballot in

As someone whose ancestors are actually from this continent I say if they don’t like it they can go back where they came from.

Came here to say this verbatim. I’m not sure this segment is doing what you think it is, Ben. Don’t go chasing waterfalls. Just stick to the dry rivers and lakes that you’re used to.

I think. If I’m being honest, I don’t know what frankincense or myrrh is