
I’m 43 and I remember when this video came out. You instantly know it’s Pac. I always thought it was just trying to be mysterious. Like a hidden cameo or something. But when you see an AK-47 and Thug Life tattooed on somebody’s torso there’s no mistaking who it is.

Hmm - how so? As a both a liberal and a Marine Vet, I definitely don’t think the Military is that ingrained into US Society/Culture - at least towards the fascist end that you mention. Sure, we support our volunteer troops (well, kinda, unfortunately) and Conservatives have a lot of vocal (but ultimately fake)

Uh, it isn’t?

Wow, this wasn’t the series I was expecting. Does the Bad Batch have the inhibitor chips? I guess they don’t since this makes them seem like the A-Team of clones.

While I agree that pressing the point gets shit done, it’s nobody’s business whom you decide to forgive. That’s her personal choice, not yours or mine.

In 2015, I also thought it was silly that the villains were alt. right dudes/neo-nazis trying to revive a long-dormant, evil movement.

I’m so excited for this, I feel like I’ve got squirrels in my pants.

It’s almost like the point of the show was for you to be...

Pardon me for pointing out the obvious, but if any other grown-ass unmarried man “adopted” a strapping, young teen boy and kept him fairly secret for years (after “dating” his older sister and then dropping her when maybe she was no longer necessary. Where is she in all of this now, anyway?) and then outed himself for

Apparently HBO is run by Kang and Kodos.

This is a satire issue (and the limits thereto), not a straight-up blackface issue. The fact that this author fails to account for this is totally emblematic of the decline in the quality of the writing on this site.

Remember when The AV Club would report the news, rather than tell you the specific, exact response you should have to it?

The master/slave terminology has always been unfortunate. Even back with IDE drives it was a weird thing to say out loud.

Well, fortunately some people have the basic intelligence to avoid painting an entire group with a single brush based on the actions of a few. Hopefully as you advance through grade school you’ll develop that along the way, too.

Let me guess, just like with the NFL Jay-Z is ready to swoop in and put a black face on it so people can go back to the status quo? Sellout bitchass. Fuck Jay-Z.

Whereas I've reported racist comments about POC and been told, "Nope, they're all good!" 

Yeah, I’m voting for this guy but, Sweet Mother of Fuck, how did this turn out to be the best we can do?

Now that the whole sequel trilogy is out, along with a couple of anthology movies, it’s clear that The Last Jedi is the one film in the Disney era that most truly matches Lucas’s intent and vision for what Star Wars actually means.