
Same, but Mitch McConnell is also on my short list. 

The Devils called...NJ doesn’t want him either.

There are only two people that I can’t wait for them to die: George Zimmerman and Donald Trump.

Maybe there’s a dumpster in the cave...

*puts pierogi casserole down and stalks off in a huff* 

Ah... You’re one of those people.  

if shakira gets sued she won’t have to swear under oath, since her hips don’t lie


This feels like you’re saying there were only ever two options for how Disney could approach making new movies: the Sequel Trilogy we ultimately got or some probably-convoluted adaptation of the pre-existing Expanded Universe.

It’s not that they were all that quiet but herbivores of the time were known to always have their Air Pods in. One herbivore, Toocoolious Forschoolious in particular had a distinct lack of shits to give, due mainly to narrow hip bones, and would frequently wear dark shades even when cloudy.  That, combined with the

I think I heard, either from Ken Marino or another member of The State, that he created the character Louie and his catchphrase as part of a mandate from MTV that they needed ... a character with a catchphrase. So they came up with the most intentionally stupid, non sequitur one possible, and it of course then entered

Being a kid in the 1980s was great. No one took video of all the stupid shit we did, all the things we set on fire, all the things we blew up... 

I am glad the film did well for reasons outside the film itself. However, judging the film on its own merits it was pretty mediocre. Changing the directors and script writers is probably a very good idea. Captain Marvel and Brie Larson is a great combination but damn if that movie was just lifeless in parts.

I, for one, welcome our new Disney overlords.

I can’t believe this movie is part of the Mr. Mom cinematic universe.

Giant penis. 

If you connect the dots here it sounds like Hawley has not 100 percent committed to bringing back each and every member of the Enterprise crew as seen at the end of Star Trek Beyond.”

Bring back Agent Carter, you cowards. 

Press F to pay respects to cancelled 1313.