
There goes the new MAPS project. Good thing the governor just demanded the Tribal nations in the state to pony up more money through the compacts. 

You hear this all the time here in the South,usually from the well off complaining that the person in front of them at Walmart is paying with food stamps but also has an iPhone or some other smart Phone. 

And they would have gotten away with it too if it hadn’t been for those pesky kids.

While Markwayne Mullin has a CDIB card and membership with the Cherokee Nation, he is by far not a traditional Tribal voice. 

This right here. As long as I'm not uploading porn or videos calling for violence against anyone, Facebook shouldn't be judging what I upload is true or not. The problem isn't Facebook in this instance, but our orange president who shares this crap himself. If he was normal we probably wouldn't even be talking about

Rodman, who played college ball in my hometown and bought my mom’s old Mercury Cougar for his college girlfriend, once called some girls bitches in front of me and my friends. Buddy of mine responded, “Boy, I’d be cool too if I dyed my hair a hundred times.” Apparently the Worm didn’t like this, so he started getting

Well, I'm from Ithica and we don't use that gesture. 

Hey, Deadspin finally has an article about the Dallas Stars in the playoffs.  How about that?

So...Not a single article on the Stars/Preds series for the entire 1st round?

Is no one going bring up the fact that the Falcon’s sensor dish is round again?!?!

I think it’s time to put the IE bashing to rest. The reason IE lagged so far behind in accepting new standards was because of the high number of users on Windows in corporate workspaces. Our current ERP system can’t work well in Chrome because it still uses alot of ActiveX controls, so we are stuck still having to

Or use a selfie-stick

I lol'd. Guess I'll be seeing you all in hell. 

So, tried to watch that flick with my kid the other day and completely forgot about the sub-plot featuring Bilbo as a stand-in on a porno set. Doubt King Ezekiel would be down showing this in front of a bunch of kids.

You're thinking of the Sam Raimi films in the 2000s, this is from the Marc Webb films that came out this past decade, before Sony wised up and let Marvel Studios handle the character in their MCU. 

As a Native American, I approve this. Take my star. 

Last Action Hero is totally underrated.

Take all the damn stars back to 2018!