
That era of the DCU was the best. Other than the tragic misstep with Hawkman, it seems that the entire editor staff finally got a handle on how they we’re going to play in the post Crisis universe. It was all interconnected just enough so that major events would be touched on in the books you were reading but it

The Indian Treaty Room, AKA Where White Men Forced My Ancestors Off Their Lands.

Levels, Jerry. Levels.


Hot Take...her jokes weren’t that funny, and I’m saying that as someone who loves every chance to make fun of this administration.

Here’s what I really loved about the Post-Crisis Superman: he was Clark Kent while his secret identity was Superman. We think of it as the other way around, but think about it, he grew up as Clark Kent from Kansas. In that continuity, his powers came slowly, not being fully developed until he was an adult, and he

Best memories of the Ultraverse was that they had an infomercial

Hopefully things will change here, but I’m a life long Sooner and I’ve become jaded that things will actually change. We’ll have to how things shape up come November, and maybe this really red state will get a little bit more purple.

I work with the state’s IT on some things for my job...I’m not surprised.

So, on my 38th birthday....nice.

Are you guys bugging our office for story ideas? We were just talking about this stuff last week.

What if your lottery chances went up for your scoring percentage as well? A bad team could still have the worst record, but another team just ahead of them could get extra balls because they still played lights out all season despite sucking.

From all of us in Oklahoma, sorry for this jack ass.

Another Okie here (Durant), and yes, this state has fucked over its own education system for quite a long time. It started with the merging of smaller school districts together, especially in the rural areas of the state, which led to larger classroom sizes.

Love how, since December, any article written about TLJ is always met with someone proclaiming that this site needs to stop defending this film. Ok, we get it, you didn’t like TLJ. Get off your fucking high horse.

This right here. There has to be some level of consequence from an action like this in order for it to have some meaning.

You laugh, but our state government actually did pass a law last week allowing teachers to have guns in the classroom.

Anyone noticed that this image was posted on the bulletin board in the final showdown with the robot:

Dear America,

You should get all the stars