
Didn’t dog racing end when Santa’s Little Helper started to humping that one dog...

The thing with Sublime is that the only people who think of them as the greatest in the world are stoners.

That was nasty. Too bad I missed it since I’m at work while just about everywhere else is off work...

Seems like someone at the city has their magic underwear in a wad...

Michael Jackson’s music video anthology also kind of doubles as a science fiction film and was a massive deal when it came out. It’s not as beloved now, but the music and visuals are still engaging today.

Don’t forget about the crap about the kids...

Is there anyway we can have more of the established species, other than humans, show up in the new trilogy? The only Wookie we see is Chewy, but I’m sure there should be more running around the galaxy. Ackbar seemed to be the only Mon Cal, and Nein Numb has been the Sullestian present, but what about the Bith,

You, sir, do not know good cinema...

So, I’m on the opposite end of the spectrum than the people in this story. I live in Southeastern Oklahoma, just an hour and a half from Dallas, TX. Ten years ago, FCC deemed that my hometown didn’t fall in the Dallas region anymore, which meant that we ended up losing our ABC and Fox channels because there were no

Here’s what I do: I take all of my bills, round each one up to the nearest 10 dollars (i.e. car payment is 276.69, round that up to 280), then add all of them up. Since I get paid every two weeks, I divide that total by 2 and that gets me how much from each check I need to put back to pay my bills. I round up the

Ah...you beat me!

I think that the team being in the future is a great way to keep from having to try and deal with any of the Infinity War stuff since the MCU film side isn’t too keen on keeping the TV side in the loop. AoS was great in Season one when they were able to go along and lead into Winter Soldier, but since then everything

Isn’t this mirroring the rebel alliance in the new canon? Rogue One introduced to us the fact that the alliance was very loosely controlled with different factions kinda working together but not having much success. I wasn’t until Scarif were they got their first major victory and really hurt the Empire. I see this

Guess I missed the memo that said the original ‘Flatliners’ was good. I mean, I remember seeing once in 1997 because a friend of mine insisted I see it.

It’s already in syndication on the CW.

Once I went to dinner with some friends, and after many Pear Ciders and shots we drunkingly went to a dive bar down the road to finish the night off. Got there and found out that a shitty cover band was playing that night. Pretty quickly my drunken mind noticed a reflection of the band’s laptop in the mirror behind

As bad as it was, and it was baaaad, it still holds a special place in my heart as the movie my friends drug me to see the day after my first serious girlfriend in high school broke up with me.

Damn, you beat me. +1

There’s a machine to get juice from fruits?

So, the MCU movies pre-Civil War are still part of the deal that was signed with Starz a few years ago, that is why they are not on Netflix yet.