“Your modders were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.”
“Your modders were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.”
I think he meant child-like whimsy and fantastical adventure... just nude Wario tho...
I don’t suppose you saw the Tower of Joy fight scene on Game of Thrones last week? Would have been a very different ending if Ned had called it quits going after Arthur Dayne...
I have a sudden urge to watch...
replace “study and find work” to “physically dominate children” and I think you’ve nailed it!
“Robert E. Lee” came in second.
Let’s cut the guy some slack on his day off. It’s not easy being a St. Louis policeman.
I think companies really need to get out of the habit on firing people because the internet demands a sacrifice. It only encourages people to continue using toxic behaviors to push their agendas.
I found abetter use for the stickers you guys
I assumed the homeless man is actually your grandpa
I’ll stream in a bikini top for $30k a year plus health benefits.
Sorta, not really related:
i blame monster musume.
I resubscribed before my vacation and spent the week going through all the story quests between 2.1 and Heavensward. I still can’t believe how consistently good the story was after that many quests.
Wait, so you probably have a Rift-compatible PC, right?
I love a good giant monster movie.
wow goku looks weird here what super saiyan level is this
“pandering to the mythical, dwindling horde of HARDCORE users who love the physical keyboards”
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Fallout 4 for PC $48 with coupon code on greenmangaming.com