
Boy, I got punked.

France has always been on the colorblind beat. Good reminder that white socialists are usually about as racist everyone else.

Somewhere (maybe it was the Root) had a piece a couple of weeks ago about the damage white teachers are doing to students of color. Well, there you have it.

No johns

I want this to be good, but I have very little faith in the CW’s ability to have a thoughtful, nuanced superhero show. How many of his daughters partners will be revealed to be super villains by the end of the first season?

Doesn’t Coco straight up call out Sam though? idk, I thought the show was very intentionally trying to show off Sam’s failings and hypocrisies- I got the sense all the frustrating stuff she does was consciously written. I agree they dropped the ball with Gabe’s character though.

I hope man, i’m just scared. I can’t help but feel like they don’t, nowadays.

I don’t know man. I’m not saying like there’d be another klan, just that it was only like 30 years ago when the leaders of the black panthers got there houses raided and asassinated by cops.

I want to believe this can happen- but damn, what happens when they realize they can’t keep the peace by lionizing ‘respectable’ protest? I don’t know, but I feel it wouldn’t be long before they go back to dogs and hoses, and then to guns and torches. I agree that nothing will come of tweets or shows or opinion

I love this show but damn, as a biracial guy attending a private liberal arts college, this hits soooo close to home. Like i’m asian/white but there are moments with Sam’s character where it gets way too real.

It’s saying something when Valve is somehow worse than Nintendo when it comes to making decisions that are totally devoid of sense.

Someone hasn’t read Splatoon’s backstory- these monsters drove the octarians into squalor in pointless wars over resources, and kidnap salmon young for corporate purposes. Don’t trust the squids.

But the issue to me is that there is a difference between cultures and individuals. I’m Japanese-American; some of my family is grinding every day, some of my family is slacking. I agree, humanity isn’t a gray sludge- but that extends to the personal level. American culture is built around the ideal of pulling

It’s more the usage of the word ‘honor,’ than anything else- it’s a strange word to use regarding people just doing a job they’re paid for, and the usage of it seems very tied into certain misperceptions of asians. But even if it was another word, it’s weird to suggest traits like being a hard worker or caring about

Uh, there is an approximately 0% chance he gathered 12 million. It’s 50/50 on whether he got a check for 12$, whited out the decimal, then wrote in a bunch of zeros and commas, or didn’t even get a check for 12 cents and is currently lying.

No, it’s just really weird and vaguely racist feeling.

The funny thing is I’d be totally down with buying pre-chopped fruit packages that I could hand squeeze into juice in about two minutes. That would have been a product that could have invalidated the entire juicer market.

I’m terrified- she looks and sounds like the white girlfriend in Get Out, post-reveal.

Unfortunate, but understandable. Nintendo is probably gonna drop the Virtual Console for Switch at E3 and the Classic is just going to be competing with themselves. It’s a much better investment for Nintendo to push Switches- every Switch they sell gives them a market of 5-6 years to sell new software, but a Classic

Idk, I replayed KOTOR a couple years ago and the combat system had not aged well. It was a struggle to get through- I wouldn’t mind being able to enjoy the gameplay in a remake.