
Calling it for posterity: Jaime kills Cersei, or defects or something. But then (and this will either be a season ending scene or the ending scene of one of season’s mini-arcs) Jaime will swear himself to the Night’s Watch, and replace Jon now that he’s busy being the king in da norf.

I feel like the west’s former champions of the RPG have finally been dethroned. Bethesda and Bioware used to be entirely unmatched at what they did best- Bethedsda with making interactive open worlds and Bioware with making large-scale cinematic storytelling. Witcher 3 killed them on both.

End of the day, white folks are always gonna think the deck is stacked against them if they see a single black person doing better. It’s like how white folks consistently rate black bosses as less competent than themselves and white bosses as more competent. They can’t conceive the idea a black person might be

What really impresses me about white people who talk about ‘fixing’ education for black kids is that they essentially take everything that makes white, suburban schools successful and argue poor black schools do the opposite. The idiocy is truly spectacular.

This is a hot take, but I don’t consider Planescape: Torment to be a particularly good videogame. (This is someone who only played it for the first time two months ago). I get that it used to be the standard, but old-school CRPGS are borderline unplayable. Combat is boring, pretty much pausing to select a character

He’a considered to be one of the best counterpick characters in the game. Zero has a video about him. Most top tier characters are either a. Light b. Have trouble killing or c. (in the case of shiek) both. There are a few borderline un-winnable matchups for bowser, so you almost certainly have to dual main him, but a

Lol that’s why you climb the trees to hide

I agree that it has been insufficient, but my point is less about the quality then about whether the characters were present. Moonlight’s characters beat pretty much everyone else, but again, imagine if they appeared ten years ago. I’m saying that POC LGBT people, by not being represented in media, have faced less

I love the Wire but Omar and Kima weren’t really the leads of the show, plus it was on HBO and (as much I hate to admit it) never got good ratings. But I think Omar especially is a great example of what more representation could have done- that character changed a lot of perceptions. Imagine if we’d had that type of

Part of what irritates me is how much the LGBT movement of the last decade left POC’s behind- LGBT representation in media exploded, but it was almost exclusively white. Will and Grace debuted in ‘98- when will there be POC-majority shows starring LGBT characters? Imagine if Moonlight had come out the same year as

I saw this story and just sort of stared for a second, trying to think if there was a different Howard University that wasn’t an HBCU. I even googled it to be sure.

I was talking about Van Jones with my brother, who made a fair suggestion: maybe Van Jones is cracking. Like maybe the stress of having to constantly be in conversation with white people about the election has affected him to the point he is literally grasping at straws to avoid going off on all of them. Or maybe

Real talk Bioware has been reusing the same animations for the last 15 years. Like the classic Bioware lean! Ever since CD Projekt Red got in the game, Bioware’s flaws have become much more notable.

Missed the author’s name when I was scrolling, by about point five I was thinking it sounded like VSB. Confirmed before I got to the bottom by Kappa slander.

THis is a spoiler, but the location of the master sword isn’t that important. It’s shown in one of the memories that Zelda placed the master sword in front of the great deku tree after Link fell one hundred years ago- IDK if a different memory shows this is also where Link found it a century ago, but even then it’s

Baldwin broke it down in The Fire Next Time, 70 years ago. Makes me wonder if everyone has to go through a nationalist phase on the road to understanding

To the folks who are pointing out that it’s also racist to assume Asians are inherently the best at martial arts, you’re right, but Iron Fist doesn’t exactly contradict that assumption. One white guy being better than everyone else does not break the stereotype that Asians are inherently superior martial artists.

Danny Rand as an Asian-American would be pretty excellent. It would add in a whole new slate of dynamics dealing with how Asian-Americans grapple with their cultural heritage (which is true to life), replacing the orientalist fantasies of white folks being better than everyone else. It’d make it a thousand times more

Ah, white kids. Racists who have yet to learn when it’s right and proper to be racist. Give them ten years, they’ll understand to wait until their at the country club to really let loose.