
I know it’s Nas’ story but all I really want to see is the dramatized version of Jay’s mother demanding him apologize for Super Ugly

Top ten? TOP TEN? Something, something, Drake is terrible.

VSB legit has the best comment section ever. I really don’t know how it’s stayed so good- but there are genuinely insightful conversations there.

Wonder how she reacted the first time ‘Santa’ didn’t buy everything on her list.

*Looks up the date for when the EIC started taking the measure.* “2006.” *Looks at the Gerrymandered map in 2010. Confirms the EIC has published reports between 2010 and 2016.* I’ve been reading this brilliant book on African-American philosophy by Charles Mills- he argues that the foundational ‘split’ between the

And here is a textbook lesson on why personal niceness is not the solution to racism. A man can be so ‘nice’ that he gives a $450 tip yet votes for a president who is both undeniably racist and a ran on a platform that was undeniably racist. $450 and a smile won’t desegregate the cities and schools, or reform the

I remember reading the New Jim Crow, where Alexander makes the argument unity between blacks and poor whites has been maliciously undermined by scheming white elites and thinking “No, it’s been undermined by poor whites only caring about themselves.” I see a pretty clear parallel- everyone suddenly cares about unity

I already posted this in a reply but to add some context, Captain Zack had an interview with Yahoo Esports right after the match where he stated he understood why Komo didn’t shake his hand and was fine with it, also noting that Komo shook his hand after the initial set

Just to add some context, Captain Zack said in an interview immediately after on Yahoo Esports that he completely understood why Komo refused to shake his hand and noted that Komo did shake his hand after the original set

Counterpoint: Should any entertainer be meeting with Trump? Harvey literally couldn’t read a name at a pagaent- I’ve have a feeling he’s not gonna be the best advocate. Like if it was an activist like Deray, or an academic like MED, yes, meet with him to try and do something. What is a celebrity gonna do other than

Now playing

I’m sorry to have to assert how wrong you are-

I go to the college, Macalester, that Marlon James teaches at. The odds are basically slim to none that I’d take one of his classes (I’m pretty sure he’s not going to teach any intro classes for the next decade), and there is a 100% chance that I will regret that for the rest of my life.

I always forget how little progress children’s media has made in terms of LGBTQ representation. Hell, Will and Grace debuted nearly 20 years ago, and the best we got in Korra was two women staring lovingly into each others’ eyes. I get shows are afraid of controversy, but seems like the base fear of that the LGBTQ

Maul is like the really obnoxious guy you play rps to settle something with, and keeps going “wait, best out of 3/5/7/etc.” like seriously, Maul, you always fail to kill Obi-Wan. Give up, let someone new try

Interestingly, my dad is a professor who has written a little bit about this. He has a pretty great quip- he notes that no one ever talks about ‘white cooking’ then footnotes that this, however, would be the most appropriate way to describe a Betty Crocker cookbook.