
I'm a day late but they're Felidae and therefore the mammalian order Carnivora so I figured they just knew they were consistently eating and could kill smaller shit on the side while waiting for some sort of upper hand.

I dread going to other states having to take in their everchanging times, I always end up down and out having to call the police just to get abused to see if I can feel physical pain anymore or if my displacement is so brutal that I won't even be able to comprehend when I am being beaten up. AZ represent.

Wow I really need to start making this list as I watch films each month. I'll just list off the top whatever I feel like:

Yo sorry for not having known your name and that I'm responding to this comment instead of the one above (Disqus is doin that thing where the comments stay blue so that voting or replying takes you the framework). HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

So should I feel weird for knowing what cuckolding was before this whole wave of ideological oppression? I thought this was basic Chaucer shit bruh

I'm trying to fix the problem of there being too few avatars that are images from Schizopolis. I tried to go for one that was very serious, but with a slight wink.

I'd love to do this but I haven't looked for a film yet so I'll get on that soon

The big highlight of my weekend was watching James Quandt's video essays on Hiroshi Teshigahara's first three feature length films (I followed that up with by watching about half of THE FACE OF ANOTHER before falling asleep because I hadn't slept for 36 hours). I also rewatched the first eight episodes of HE LEFTOVERS

Alright so the draft starts at 18:00 my time, should I see SICARIO before or after?

Disliking Antonioni

<3 UBU <3

Ooof I am not a fan of how tall that typeface is but I can get behind the composition of the whole thing.


I guess I'd have to say composing and framing shots, lighting for digital (don't have anywhere near the resources to use celluloid yet), and editing.

Am I already included? If not, I'm still down for it.

Oh shit I am so in

Season five of LOST

Two things I often hear about the film which I am also not a fan of: 1. A perfect script! 2. Marty really could have been an asshole character without Michael J. Fox's performance.

I believe it is in Article I of the Nerd Constitution