
1. Death Grips - The Powers That B
2. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - 'Asunder, Sweet and Other Distress'
3. Jenny Hval - Apocalypse, girl

MESHES OF THE AFTERNOON because of how it plays with narrative structure and classical symbolism

Whatever's the most avant-garde, experimental, or all three from each would be my general answer so for my favorites in those I would say experimental film, probably avant-folk or harsh noise for music, and I don't know enough about literary genres to say what that would be.

I've been watching a lot of Community so I'll go with that.

Well hear I come to save the day because that's another film I've always loved.



Hell yeah. Reeeaaaaaalllllll nice film experience.

Jesse Eisenberg

Question because I've forgotten again:

Music: Probably 1971 but I might have to give it to this year.
Film: 1961 or 1962 though it's hard to choose from any year in the 60's.

Casiotone for the Painfully Alone - Casiotone for the Painfully Alone Joins the Foreign Legion

The question is: What's your favorite film from the 1960's?

THE MATRIX RELOADED, which is quite the sick fucking film.

And I really want to see Ein großer graublauer Vogel because those are two more of my favorite songs by CAN but I can't find the film anywhere

I've been meaning to watch MILLIONENSPIEL forever and still haven't but the score as it is presented in The Lost Tapes is one of my favorite pieces by CAN.

Hey baby CAN are one of my absolute favorites (Antonioni-tier) and yeah, DEADLOCK is great. I especially like how few locations there are.

Oh. Britta's in this?