
A million times yes. I fell crossing the street a couple years ago. Managed to drag myself out of the traffic, up a lightpost, and hobble to the bus shelter, where I was convinced if I just sat a while, I'd be able to walk it off. (Looking back, I was in so much pain that I really wasn't logical. I couldn't even

Oh, this made me tear up! Raising my mug of tea to that good lady!

What a beautiful statement. Thank you for this—it really is the emotional support that we value so much in those moments, isn't it?

Georgia's in on that game, too.

I hate my work voicemail with the fire of a thousand burning suns. Hate hate hate hate hate it. Let it die.

Meetup with my favorite people at my favorite bar . . . and I'm on the wrong coast that day.

Okay, this is interesting to me.

I won't want to work for someone who determines a person's skill based on a single habit anyway.

I'm comfortable with the concept of using and/or/but as sentence leads—even in formal context—as long as the rest of the writing style is confidently didactic and the structure is used to make a compelling, interesting point. (Well, for the standard paper value of "interesting", anyway.)

I'm 33, and grew up exclusively on keyboards WITH double spaces, but there's a 14-year age gap between me and my youngest brother, and he was taught single spacing.

So true. The *best* underwear. Fun and cute and amazing fit!

Yeah, I kind of love this idea.

I was one of those kids!

Well, now I know that the writers of Men's Health are not SEC fans.

That would explain many things, actually.

I can walk past Starbucks with nothing more than an appreciative sniff, but my kryptonite is cabs.

I've got no clue—hopefully one of the Lifehacker geniuses will know more?

I use Virgin fairly often for NY/LA trips, and would use them for my other travel if I could!

Is Evil Week coming soon? This makes me ready for it to be here!

My single biggest trigger, actually, is if I have to scrimp until my next paycheck. I grew up very poor, and although I have a healthy income now I really react to that sensation of "OMG I CAN'T SPEND ANYTHING NO MONIESSSS".