Tony's Texas Hots

Oh, that's easy. Donut. We Americans are nothing if not deep-fried and oversized.

'Merica. :)

More importantly, who the fuck spells it "doughnut?" What is wrong with you, Joe? It's "donut." This matters, dammit.

Yeah, I noticed a few of his other comments after I responded. I was a little confused by his reply as to why I should hate myself, but I'm more confused as to why he thinks people can't be upset about Chris Brown's behavior and unnecessary, possibly race-related police brutality. Oh, well. Trolls and dummies will be

Um… what?

THANK YOU. Chris Brown is a violent, socipathic piece of shit. Is he talented? Sure. Is he an unrepentant asshole? Absolutely. Fuck that guy. It made me really sad that women have gone on record saying they'd gladly let him beat them. Did you read the police report? He beat the FUCK out of Rihanna. Never showed any

Oh! Me too! I wasn't sure I could keep watching the movie. Saw that girl's face in my nightmares for a long time.

Oh, man. I had totally forgotten about Red Green! I used to love watching that and Red Dwarf. In Texas as well, no less.
But, um, I totally still crushed pussy in high school, bro. Totally.

Here we go…
*deep breath*
I like Dave Matthews Band. I loved their music in the 90s and early 00s. I've seen them live 9 times ("NINE TIMES"). I still listen to them on occasion and there are still songs I love. Aside from the obnoxious frat-boy demographic they tend to attract, I don't get all the hate they receive.

I like your subtle reference to Palin as "it." Well done.

Got in to what, exactly? Was this particular customer wearing a hat? Perhaps fashioned out of something resembling tin foil?

I got 1:11 in. Had to stop. God, what an awful excuse for a human being. Anybody get farther than that?

Nah. Johnny Depp's boner will get in the way and then he'll Futterwacken dance this whole piece of shit idea straight to Tim Burton's house.

"The reason Gift Up works, and is so funny…"
Humor explanations are the hallmark of all truly great jokes. If you don't explain, how will we know it's funny?

Yep, and we now know Sven is in her south.

I'm on it!

Assassin's Creed: Syndicate. Finally, a game that appeals to me, a white male American.

Yeah, Jupiter Ascending had all the potential and just wasn't good. Gods of Egypt looks like it might have the same issue: could be good but probably won't be.

I think you've hit the nail on the head. Studio execs are probably going to be more likely to greenlight something that has ready-made association rather than something they're going to have to educate the public on. Of course, they probably expected something a little more reasonable than what this seems to be.

Not so much because they cast the "wrong" people; more because it looks terrible and I think the association with Egypt (rather than any made-up fantasy land) makes it look worse.
But it IS pretty stupid that, in 2015, we're still casting white people in African, Asian, and Middle Eastern roles.
If it's not pretending