Tony's Texas Hots

Honest, sincere question: why does this need to be Gods of Egypt? Why can't it be Gods of (some made-up fantasy land)? You can have all the silliness with the CGI monsters, keep your Danish and Scottish leads, and waaaaaay more people are going to be willing to see this. If you're going to fill the cast with white

You put exactly 1% effort into this comment and for that I applaud you.

Alternate joke: what about your other father?

Oh, yeah? Well YOUR father's g… wait. Never mind.

I'd rather see Ben Carson on "Science, What's That?"

I groaned a bit when I read that myself. So a story about the Saxons and Danes in medieval England features white actors? WHAT? Who came up with this???

I kinda wish I could vote this comment up more than once. Thank you for the response. Very informative and important to the discussion.

According to the 90 seconds of research I did on Wikipedia, women in Danish Viking society were much more highly-regarded than most other cultures of that time; whereas GoT treats women the way most medieval cultures did: disposable penis targets at worst, playthings at best. That's why Cersei's whole journey is

I KNEW it!

So is it pronounced "Im-gur" or "imager" or "Benghazi" or what?

Yeah, I mean when did accuracy ever do anything for anyone? Anyway, I've gotta go perform this brain surgery. Or is it lung surgery? Whatever. Close enough.

I don't give a shit what they give up (short of JJ). Draft picks, Foster, 3 miles of Kirby drive… I want them to get a QB.

Funny thing is, the actual Pats-Colts emoji meaning (USA vs guns) should have the inverse score. #hottake #comeatmeNRA

It's weird, right? We all knew where he was going with that.

Well, duh.

XO and Figure 8 are his poppiest (and therefore most accessible) records. Shock and Au Contraire has it right—Either/Or is more lo-fi (but absolutely outstanding). You really can't go wrong with any of those three.

Well, he knows she fucks.

Oh, the NFC East. It's the AFC South of NFL divisions!

Don't you mean "slvmp?"

Praise means nothing. J. Lo and Nickelback have been nominated for Grammys. Just because someone says something is good doesn't mean it is. Much like when I say her music is shit, that doesn't mean it is. But it is. It is shit. She seems like a good person but her music is utter garbage.