Tony's Texas Hots

It's very weird. Heavily tied into Adult Swim from Cartoon Network (including stuff from Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Sealab 2021). Includes guests like Talib Kweli and Cee-Lo. I really enjoyed it; while I'm not a huge hip-hop fan I like Adult Swim and weird things.

Suuuuuuuure. Blame the code. It's a poor craftsman who blames his tools. Not the Matrix's fault, Neo.

I tend to like what I hear from Ryan Adams, but good God, Taylor Swift is horrible. Her music is everything that is wrong with pop today, just like Nickelback was everything wrong with rock in the early 2000s. I'll give this one a chance, but I don't expect the ability to get over her utterly shitty songwriting.

As a former Houston Oiler fan (FUCK BUD ADAMS FOR STEALING MY TEAM), it hurts my heart to see the fucking goddamn Titans (their official name) wearing Oilers throwbacks. Fuck those guys. I hope they go 0-16 for the rest of eternity.

As Paul Lukas of Uni Watch puts it, 17-year olds like shiny things. Hence the ever-crazier college uniforms. Can't account for the pros, though. Some of those are just terrible.

They described the helmets as resembling a jaguar "leaping from the shadows towards its prey." Except the "shadow" (black) is in the front. So is the jaguar leaping ass-first?

Fair enough. Fucking Canadians, with their colours and centres and whatnot.

I'm not doing anything for the next couple of months.

You Can't Do That On Television was my all-time favorite. Of course, with the FCC easing the shackles, I think you can do that on television.

The opposite of yes-yeses. Duh.

"at least until a non-joking late-movie dismissal of Audrey’s entire marriage, indicative of the movie’s willingness to toss aside its female characters to help the men self-actualize"

I think he means the shitty '70s band.

My friends and I once tried to make a Ninja Gaiden movie. My buddy Andy was 5'2" and fat and cast himself as Ryu Hayabusa because the movie was his idea. The movie didn't get made.

Fuckin' Foreigner, man.

You missed the Rembrandts' modern used CD bin classic LP? But where else are you going to hear the Friends theme and probably some other songs?

I think they're Freys. There's no explicit evidence of incest, but come on: you know Walder "sampled the goods"*.

Remember when TLC stood for "The Learning Channel?" I think we've all learned something today.

Hm. Lots of yelling. Maybe we can get that Dr. Horrible series up and running now?

Oh, we heard you.