
In Hindu culture/religion, there's a whole freakin' ceremony, with rice, a fire, priest, chanting, all relatives and everything, for the big rite of pierced ears. For both girls and boys. And it's done around the age of 1 I think. Can't remember mine, personally glad cos I can't consciously handle the pain as an adult

That's very similar to how I got engaged too! To me it's romantic in it's own way, because it's real, and stripped of all the fairytale stuff we've been fed as children. I agree on the deflated feeling, when I tell people we decided to get married together, on skype no less, never had a ring, the reactions, like you

I get you. I've nothing against the sparkle loving engagement ring parade, none at all, but when I got engaged, we did away with the whole ring thing because it didn't make financial sense, plus I don't like jewelry. Unfortunately, every single person went "show me the ring!!!....oh...none? Awww...." and gave me looks

I don't think you're getting her/his point. Wishing there is no /need/ for cancer treatments/abortions isn't the same as wishing there isn't any treatment available at all. Your statement doesn't seem to be logical, or maybe it's expressed poorly in the cause and effect structure.
She's just talking about how the ideal

I cannot like this enough!!! I don't like abortions either, nothing to do with morality but that, just like any invasive medical procedure, it's kind scary and sometimes even traumatising. What people seem to not voice out is that any reaction to an abortion is perfectly fine!! I hated my entire experience, being

:) always a pleasure.

Right??? All those stories about pregnant women glowing, the miracle of life...all I could focus on was how I was unable to hold down even water and that I could smell the garbage truck from two blocks away, ugh. I sure did glow - from all the sweat while throwing up, heh. That being said, I hope yours goes better

Actually, I know I'm not speaking for everyone, but when I went to get an abortion earlier this year (BC failure, husband and I not ready to have kids), I first went to a clinic that tried really hard to counsel me and talk about options and stuff. I knew for SURE I didn't want to have a kid, neither did my husband,


I understand where you come from when you say you want to distance yourself from pro-choicers, and I see you were influenced from your time spent in a facility for women that was about reproductive health (or so I gather), which is unfortunate, but we really do need more people like you speaking out to show that

The thing is, though, majority of pro-choicers share your views. It's the 'pro-lifers' who spread the whole 'pro-choice = pro-abortions' rhetoric. While I am morally okay with abortions in themselves to a certain extent, I get that others aren't. All that grey area notwithstanding, I also recognise the fact that in


You might not call yourself pro-choice, but you sure are!

My first thought after watching all these ads was 'There's no way these women actually eat anything remotely like CJ. FALSE ADVERTISEMENT!'

When I got first engaged, most of my old classmates were like 'Where's the ring??' as opposed to ''Who's the lucky guy??'' - it seriously pissed me off. And when I told them I didn't want one, we weren't that kind of couple they got the '' poor thing'' looks on their faces, sanctimonious little asses. When

I shall now spend my day imagining delicious looking men with salad dressing drizzled all over them. Yum.

Ugh, when it comes to a woman's body suddenly everyone insists on chiming in with opinions and judgement. People take over the counter pills for headaches like candy, and they destroy livers, but when it comes to anything feminine it's 'unnatural' and 'bad for you'. I share your rage!! I cannot count the number of

I long for the day when 'depo shot' and the like don't have to be qualified by 'medically necessary'. I tell everyone, who broaches the subject, about my IUD. As a married woman, this shocks a lot of people in conservative asia. I actually need to explain that being married doesn't automatically mean I want kids now,

Because rapists and the like are disgusting, neanderthal assholes?

It's such a relief to know I'm not the only one who feels this way - I'm surrounded by old classmates all getting married and having kids just months later. Me, I got married and got an IUD. Mostly because I know for sure I don't want kids for at least 4 years, but then I swing back and forth like you, and so figured,

Is your world always so black and white, filled with lack of reading comprehension skills?
That isn't even close to what anyone here has said. Other than you.