But then the sluts wouldn't be adequately punished for their choices.
But then the sluts wouldn't be adequately punished for their choices.
Yeah, but see, it's funnier when the country decays into a hellhole riddled with malaria and armed gangs if they do it all on their own, with no help from us. And they will!
Let them use every single bootstrap!!!
They also don't get any federal benefits. No social security. No Medicare. No VA. No unemployment. No funds for schools or roads. Nothing. I can pretty much guarantee that those bootstrapping state's rights fuckers would be begging to come back within months.
You never go full Kardashian.
Usually when you read about Bryan Singer expecting a child, he's having a few delivered to a pool party.
we might still.
Another rotten thing about potlucks? The awkward moment when you have to get your dish back. Like, the food has been out for hours. Everyone has eaten. We have had our time together. ... I am ready to leave. I want to put on sweatpants and sit on my couch. Do I just toss what's left of the food you made me…
No joke. I re-read The Handmaid's Tale recently and it is barely science fiction anymore.
Target's website is TERRIBLE, though. I love Target, I go there once a week and who doesn't love to wander during a Target run? But their website is a misery. It doesn't have even half the stock of a store, is difficult to navigate and can be just plain bizarre sometimes. Maybe they should consider investing in a…
I throw barbecues and provide proteins and usually some grilled veggies as well - I ask people if they are going to bring a side to not bring something they themselves won't eat. I really don't need people to bring anything, but I hate it when they bring a huge tub of storemade coleslaw and potato salad and it is then…
Right?! I love when people bring something like wine or a nice dessert or something, but I by no means expect (let alone require) it. I provide all the food and a reasonable amount/selection of drinks for my friends in exchange for their company and their trek to my house (it's a trek for most if not all of my…
My favorite part of Christmas is that I do all of my Christmas shopping in October and then spend the next three months being smugly sympathetic when everyone complains about holiday shopping.
No, actually, I don't cook for myself, not if I can help it. And the OP made it clear that me bringing chips or hummus or whatever wouldn't work for her, so...nope.
I affirmatively decline those invitations now. I don't cook and I'm not interested in cooking. Either host a damn BBQ or let's all meet at a restaurant.
Yes, the registry is for situations were LOTS of people are buying gifts and it's a huge pain in the ass when you receive half a dozen toasters. And babies and weddings are both situations where there is a lot of stuff you will need for this new phase of your life and the idea is your friends and family help get your…
Yes. A couple of my husbands female coworkers gifted me a pregnancy massage. BEST. GIFT. EVAR.
Conversely, however, some of the people I know with the least amount of tolerance for even slightly not-great customer service are people that have done the job. I include myself in that category - I've served The Public for the past 20 years, in one way or another, and I will, and have, walked out of establishments…
A million times yes. I received a lot of presents after the birth and while very sweet, baby barbarian now has around 50 bibs.
I only think potlucks are acceptable when it's a group of people throwing an event for a person - like a baby shower, retirement party or a bridal shower thrown by coworkers. I don't understand why you would just have a potluck to have one. It is like asking your friends to cover your hosting duties!