Another damn kinja account

I get where the first letter writer is coming from but honestly, just probably stick to the registry. I had visions of unique and personal heartfelt gifts until a bunch of my close friends started having babies and they were in like, sleepwalk/take care of logistics/keep baby alive mode for the first few months. If

Fancy potluck is a concept that exists? I'm not known for fanciness, so maybe that's why I'm wincing, but if you want to throw a "nice-ish" dinner, you pull out your credit card and do the thing yourself.



we should probably just kill you now tbh

you had medicine and cleaning products within 20 miles of children?

And may I say as a person planning on trying edibles at the first opportunity, this blows?

Then those people are responsible. Why should something be made illegal just because other adults don't know how to be responsible? Plenty of substances around the house are within kids' reach all the time that aren't illegal. Fear-mongering. Period.

Come on now. The same can be said for alcohol, medications, and a number of other items. Kids can get into all sorts of shit, but there are ways to try to combat that besides banning things for adults. In two words: Parental Responsibility. It's the parent's job to make sure their edibles are kept in a safe place

That's why my costume is "tired mom who ate all the Snickers."

This is one of the reasons why I've lost the Halloween spirit over the years. Anything is fair game no matter how offensive it is, and if you point out the offensiveness of it, you're condemned for not having a sense of humor and being politically correct. Basic human decency hardy has any value anymore.

"Ancient times"

Right? I had never even heard of the rape allegations before that interview, and the spluttering and explaining from that man...I feel like if he had even had a real reason for not including the allegations, most people could have just left it alone, but that, it left a really sour taste in my mouth.

Could those pants be any baggier? Edit: Wait, he just took them off and now I'm more concerned about his socks staying on...

Male boring.

Do y'all ever feel like there's this extra-special type of hatred for fat women that only a fat man can pull off? I'm not sure if it's my perception or reality but I feel like there's a certain type of fat man who takes his insecurity about his weight out on fat women. Like, "Yeah, I may be fat, but at least I'm not

Get over yourself Colin.

Can somebody do the same to Mark Wahlberg? It's insane that he can go on to such fame and acclaim while the guy that he blinded has to live with that for the rest of his life.

I don't find it possible.

This looks like a hell of a good time, damn I dress BORING!