Another damn kinja account

Are any of y'all reading this former teachers who do something else now? Are you still in education, or did you go a totally different direction? I'm not sure I can do this forever, but I'm also not sure what to do instead. I know I have a lot of options (my degree is in math), I just want to hear some stories.

It's so odd. And she poses this question to women as if this is a common feeling to have. It's like saying "Isn't it just the best when a man cums on your face or cums in your eyes?" Uh… no. I think it's pretty common knowledge that most women don't like that. Her statement seems like it's just a sneaky way to pander

When I read "red room," I thought of the room Jane Eyre went crazy in as a kid. I am guessing that it is also another thing?

There have GOT to be more interesting celeb tweets out there. Step up your tweet beat!

She doesn't have to care. His country's economy is in the shitter and she's sitting on the leader of Europe's economies.

Good for you Merkel showing the guts to stand up to that disgusting macho-pig with gusto. Lady, you have intestinal fortitude.

hooray for Merkel.

The difference that I heard was that she was carrying less tension in her throat with the changed voice—the air was less forced, resulting in a more open sound. From a practical perspective, it makes it easier to talk for long periods of time (something I have to do a lot in my work, so I appreciate it).

This is interesting, because I tried Cetaphil on my oily/combination skin and I felt like it wasn't doing anything. It wasn't drying at all, but it also felt like It wasn't actually getting at my skin. I was using two pumps of the stuff in a single wash to have any effect. Cera ve feels more cleansing, in that my skin

Reminds me of this Tumblr post, captioned "How do I tell my mom that this "minimalist wooden nativity set" she put up just looks like a forest of dildos"

He probably thought she shouldn't be working at all, honestly. She's female. The legal profession is for men, didn't you know? I guess I better quit my job, lest I run into more of this. I have a bit... some men don't like being beaten by a woman. But whatever :) I just keep beating them.

That is seriously horrible. Just awful.

I do think she does her research and generally knows what she is talking about. I just wish she would not rate her own products. It just seems shady to me.

They have a sweater too!

As someone whose been called for jury duty several times in Los Angeles, trust me, excessive hardship requests do not get approved "99.999% of the time" here. I've watched people stand sobbing in front of the judge with folders of paperwork about how they're going to be on the street if they can't work to pay their

Most anti-climatic purchase ever. Bought it, took it home, put in on once, had a sneezing allergy fit, returned it. I basically took that tub on a quick field trip.

That's so utterly ridiculous. I'm not looking forward to the day when the same happens to me. So far I've been lucky and my number hasn't been called when I get a jury card in the mail.

The great state of Oregon wanted my father to do jury duty 3 times in four years. Fuck. Just...fucking fuck!...