
This is going to go a lot faster if you ask me what I wouldn’t fuck.

There’s no way he didn’t watch Porky’s at least three times.

Refined gasoline also has an expiration date. There are additives that can prolong its shelf life but I’m not like a gas expert or anything.

I disagree. Why not have an RPG where combat works like an FPS but the underlying skills like sight picture stability, reload time, speed, stamina, etc. can provide small increases in your ability but not be so great that someone at lvl 1 can’t possibly kill someone at lvl 100? The RPG skill tree would also have a

You’re right that the energy comes from the ape rather than the bone itself but the bone inflicts more energy than a pistol, the pistol inflicts more energy per square centimeter however.

I don’t know why he doesn’t hire a ghostwriter. It’s not like his style would be that hard to replicate. Then all he has to do is focus on the story elements and someone else can spend 8 hours writing two overly detailed paragraphs about armor or banquets.

I like Rehm. Her interviews are always pretty insightful and she has good guests. But goddam the caller questions are terrible and dumb.

I knew it was coming to an end when “Getting High” disappeared from the activities playlists. :( RIP Songza

So they just blue themselves?

All teens are dumb—that’s a universal truth. They don’t deserve to die because of it but many do. That said, these were especially dumb teens and I seriously doubt the world is that much worse off. Sort of like how it’s sad when the glue-huffing stoner dies in a DUI car wreck but also it’s not nearly as sad as when

He destroyed his knee in the 2003 National Championship game.

Mein Gott! He had shoulders like the Incredible Hulk.

I agree. One day I heard my roommate’s cat meowing weirdly. He had his mouth full bringing me a ring-necked snake. When I picked up the snake, which was about 2 feet long, to put it back in the woods the cat tried to follow me.

As long as you don’t leave anything plugged into the charger when the car is off the draw from the charger alone shouldn’t be enough to deplete the battery. I have one in my car that has a small LED that stays lit and I’ve gone weeks without driving and not had an issue with the battery.

As long as you don’t leave anything plugged into the charger when the car is off the draw from the charger alone

I’m not confident enough in my heterosexuality to call another man’s dangle beautiful, so good on you Barry.

Please never link to a video in which Stephen A. Smith says something I agree with again.

Whatever those Pocket Operators are cool as fuck.

Should also add that prior to opening the container all 5 balls are both red and blue (but not purple). Quantum mechanics doesn’t easily lend itself to simple analogies.

Now playing

My favorite drummer is Brian Chippendale from Lightning Bolt. Maybe not the most technical drummer but goddam their shows are crazy and he also sings (usually with a microphone sewn into a luchadore mask). Check this out and watch for the stick flip at 1m39s.