
Even if you’re not a classical music fan I think it’s a missed opportunity not to see if these headphones could do justice to a full orchestra. Mozart’s Symphony no. 38 would be a good choice.

In high school I put my Nokia 3310 on top of my car and drove away on a Friday. Tuesday someone called, he had found it in the grass by the road and was able to turn it on and find my home number (back when everyone still had landlines). I used that phone for at least another two years.

“You missed.”

The American version would be “throw a (monkey)wrench in the works.” I don’t really care but it’s weird to see a British idiom when the author hasn’t also chosen British spellings (i.e. realized/realised, revolutionize/revolutionise).

That wouldn’t explain why so many pharma companies are raising the costs for drugs already on the market. I believe that the people working in the research side of the industry are driven in some part by benevolence but the executives are driven primarily by profits and stock price.

There was another spanner in the works, and it was most likely made of metal.

I’d assume he’d have to manufacture the fusion bombs on earth and it’s very illegal to build your own atomic bombs.

The problem is research shows the threat of punishment often fails to dissuade criminal activity because many crimes are the result of impulsivity. So harsh punishment does little to decrease first time offenses or recidivism. Focusing on punishment for the sake of victims and their relatives rather than

I always appreciated the Frankish penchant for giving their rulers mean nicknames. There’s Charles the Bald, Charles the Fat, Louis the Stammerer, Charles the Simple, Louis the Sluggard, Childeric the Idiot, Louis the Good-for-Nothing.

Clearly you haven’t thought that through. If they were in the steam room then Batman couldn’t be wearing his mask, so it’d be obvious he was Bruce Wayne but Clark Kent couldn’t wear his glasses or they’d fog up so it’d be obvious he was Superman. Now a sauna...

The defensible part is that it’s not conceivable to put breakthrough innovations in mass-market vehicles. Selling a smaller number of high-cost vehicles allows a larger profit margin while keeping the costs of potential recalls low. For years the Mercedes Model S led the automotive industry with safety innovations

I mean, this is better than anything Faulkner wrote.

I think you mean Harry Crews.

The “health issues” were rumored to be banging an athletic department lady.

I’ve rarely seen bald guys with longer hair that look good. Even if you aren’t going to Bic it you should keep it very close, Corey Stoll and Jason Statham are good examples.

I’ve had a recurring dream since I had lice ONCE as a teenager. I dream I have rapidly growing pupae in my hair that grow from lice-sized to thick grubs that fall off my head and plop on my shoulders. The worst part is since my high school days my hairline has receded and I keep my hair close cut but in my dreams I

Lol no, I’m super confident and prideful so I knew hubris was a made up word.

I wonder how many people are going to claim to know the meaning of some of those made up words.