
My first experience with having my dick puked on was in high school. We were in a closet, trying to be sneaky because her parents were home. The girl I was dating was absolutely amazing, we experimented a lot and usually communicated well. That night, however, she decided she was going to try something she’d read guys

Just imagine how high it’d go if it was on a treadmill. 😆

That’s bullshit and you’re putting words in my mouth. I NEVER insinuated transgender people’s issues weren’t real or worth treating. I said I think being dead or severely disabled and reliant on others for things like using the bathroom is worse than being denied sex reassignment surgery and I think most transgender

While I agree with you on the ideal of single-payer healthcare coverage for all and an end to mass incarceration, realistically public healthcare funds are limited and overstretched. It is a zero sum game because there simply aren’t enough funds allocated to treat everyone that needs treatment. Essentially this means

Personally I feel that healthcare for people with debilitating and life-threatening injuries should be a priority before the government covers the costs of sex reassignment surgery. While I do believe sex reassignment surgery is necessary I just believe cancer treatment, artery bypass and spinal surgeries are more

Well, I know of one vegetarian who was a veteran Aryan and that didn’t turn out too well.

The GOP ideal is to have LARGE SONS. It’s the only reason Mike Huckabee was invited to the 9pm debate last night. We think that child is around 9-10 years old because we’re accustomed to normal sized children but to the GOP base that child is only FOUR YEARS OLD.

It looks like a Randall Cunningham jersey.

Unless you live way out in the boonies an HD antenna is great. I canceled Comcast after they wanted an extra $10/mo for HD and bought an HD antenna. I even got a Korean channel that aired Everybody Kimchi! which doesn’t sound that cool until this happens.

Being written up for unprofessional conduct could encompass anything from chewing bubble gum while in uniform to being drunk and making lewd comments to a Girl Scout.

The larger issue is, I think, that police wield a huge amount of power and must show at all times that they can be entrusted with that power. He’s only given that power by the government established BY and FOR the people, in other words, every single US citizen. This officer usurped that power to serve his own ends

Rationally, I know the Mets should do what’s best for the team and that players should take care of themselves first (because the team won’t). But irrationally it’s nice to see the ridiculously rich ballplayers I enjoy watching share the same affection for the team that I have. And let’s face it, I’m still a Mets fan

It’s hard to be chill when you’re constantly snorting cocaine.

I think the bigger issue is that if they were going to charge the charity that much money the charity would be better off finding cheaper office space. I mean it’s Missouri for fuck’s sake, you can probably get 10,000 sq. ft. for like $500/mo.

I get the frustration with Eli Manning. If he always sucked people wouldn’t complain nearly as much. But Giants fans know he can play well enough to win Super Bowls—he just can’t consistently play at that level. It’s the fact that there’s always hope but it’s constantly being crushed.

I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but people are typically innocent until proven guilty, which is hard to do if you shoot them in the head first.

But he’s wrong. Physicists who understand quantum field theory (QFT) have torn apart his hypothesis. Homeopathy has never been shown to be more effective than placebos in double-blind studies—it’s not noble if sick people are paying for homeopathic cures which won’t help them, it’s fraud.

However, on the other hand you literally have nobel prize winning scientists speaking out against vaccines.

Edit: n/m TrotsHat beat me to it about the Bucs.

Post-WWII Chicago embraced the New Yorker’s insult “Second City” and wore it with pride. Only now it’s at best “Third City” and embracing the insulting term “Second City” seems aspirational.