
In the comic which the series is based off (if I recall correctly) some angels come to Hell to complain about how Lucifer is running things and he’s like, “Fuck it. Here’s the keys, take good care of the place. I’m out.” Sadly, I doubt the show will live up to it. I’ll just read the comics again.

What if he refuses to give the guy a pizza in exchange for the ball b/c he finds out the guy who took the ball is gay? Surely that’s worth $80,000.

I’d think it’s pretty highly variable. It really all depends on connecting with a market to buy what you’re making. Factories make furniture so cheaply that you can’t compete at low costs, so you’re looking at mid to upmarket pricing. Assuming you can sell your pieces at those prices and you’re already equipped with

It does make a persuasive argument against single-payer healthcare because if I found out my tax dollars were paying the medical bills of some dumb asshole who insists on instigating fights with animals in spite of repeatedly losing I’d be pretty goddam angry.

The marriage was never consummated according to the show.

I’m almost certain she’s saying that the nurses are lower class and therefore less likely to care for the well-being of others.

I don’t know, they spent almost $30 million lobbying for the Time-Warner merger and they got nothing. There may be hope yet but I’d be a lot happier if we just removed corporate money from politics.

I’d love to hear a biologist’s opinion of Christopher Ryan’s Sex at Dawn.

It seems somewhat counterintuitive when a number of feminists are pushing to repeal laws outlawing female toplessness. If the men running were sporting erections then I would definitely say it constitutes sexual harassment but the naked human body is not obscene. I definitely sympathize with survivors of sexual

Maybe it’s because you’re argument is simplistic and not well made? So what if I die but another version of me lives? I wouldn’t know any difference because I’d be dead and the copy wouldn’t know any different because it would have all my causal memory and genetics and behave just like me. It’s not as if the copy

A DUI with bodily injury is usually a felony as well.

I’d never heard of the “cowboy” wasp before. The only thing I can come up with is the tarantula hawk wasp?

While I find your argument of “you’re wrong and if you think you’re right you’re wrong” to be compelling I still disagree. From your other arguments you don’t seem to believe in a soul so what exactly do you think would be lost in a teleportation type scenario? If everything was copied exactly down to the subatomic

There’s an interesting thought experiment created by Donald Davidson called the Swampman that deals with this issue. But I think it’s mostly a semantic argument. If a duplicate would act just as we would is there actually any meaningful difference between ourselves and the

Just get a bit of acetone and the stickers come right off and you can glue them back in the right spots.

That turtle is giving some serious side-eye. You can tell he’s thinking, “Ugh, fucking tourists get out of the way.”

One year my family had dinner to celebrate my sister’s birthday. As it was her birthday she asked everyone around the table to pay her a compliment. When it came to my turn I paused reflectively then said, “I like how you’re not ashamed.” Needless to say it hasn’t become a family tradition.

I once watched a tow truck driver drag a car out of a spot then get out to secure it, only to see him get back in the truck and push the car back into the spot and drive off. I was curious so I walked down to take a look and found the car profusely spilling oil into the street. So forgive me for giving this lady the

Sorry I just read too fast. I didn’t even recall Jefferson was on the $2.

Mostly the Indian Removal Act in which somewhere around 10-20% of the Native Americans removed from lands east of the Mississippi died, otherwise known as the Trail of Tears. But the general racism and corruption of his administration shouldn’t be overlooked either.