
Why are you so embarrassingly ignorant about healthcare in Canada? Talking to actual Canadians, not the fantasy ones you invent, or even a few minutes on YouTube watching and listening to actual Canadians, would show you just how laughably wrong you are.

Pelosi is paid to lose, not to win.

You mean the few memes posted, mostly after the elections? Please stop with the Russiagate nonsense. You’ve been played. Israel, the GOP and private companies have done far more to damage US elections and suppress votes than Russian memes.

We hope to see you on YouTube Libby. You have an important voice to many more than you might realize.

Oh do fuck off. You’re just embarrassing yourself now.

Back under your rock troll. You’re done here.

You really are utterly shameless aren’t you?

“we need to figure out how to effectively fight these toxic ideologies to get at the real problem.” Take away the guns. It’s not rocket science and the Constitutional argument is utter bullshit.

There aren’t two sides here. There are those who want to own weapons designed expressly to kill, and those who don’t want to be killed by gun strokers. Have you been living under a rock for the last few decades?

So there are ‘fine people on both sides?’ What complete bullshit.

It’s obvious of course that the blame for these shooting lies fairly and squarely on the parents of the Hispanics who were murdered by Trump supports and Republicans.

Obvious ammosexual, terrorist apologist troll is an obvious ammosexual, terrorist apologist troll.

Thanks for outing yourself.

720p to be pedantic. Carry on.

Or track down the wingers, out them, get them publicly humiliated, fired and put on the terrorist watch list. 

As you no doubt are aware, most Americans have never seen the damage that a bullet does to a human body in real life, even a so called minor wound, and have a view of body armor and so called bullet proof vests that is based entirely on shitty TV shows and movies.

Nobody ever mentions that Uncle Jim Bob is also a psychopath, like all hunters outside of the Inuit in Alaska.

Fascists and their enablers should always be tracked down and outed publicly, online and offline. These terrorists and their enablers are not hidden because they’re online, hiding behind multiple accounts. You should bear that in mind. ;)

So that’s what the voices he hears are called now. Explains a lot.