
“Pretty much every terrorism expert I have talked to and everything I have read on terrorism says that your assertion is incorrect...” And there you reveal that in fact you just made that up, haven’t talked to any anti terrorism experts and have probably just read a couple of articles on the subject of terrorism in

Already happening as you type. We’ve tracked multiple posts and comments in Republican/fascist (same thing in fact) sites putting forward just this bullshit false flag theory, within minutes of the shootings hitting the news. It’s sickening.

Was with you until you advocated violence for political ends. That’s exactly what the wingers want. Welcome to the terrorist watch list. As for marching in the streets not accomplishing anything, here’s a hint...Puerto Rico.

“This seems more like the Russians gave a nudge” You really do know fuk all don’t you? How embarrassing. It seems more like you’re a winger yourself, trying to obfuscate and distract. If you are a winger, than you are an enabler, at best, of these terrorists and yourself constitute a clear and present danger. 

Are you ignorant of the last 100 years of US history?

And the cops making jokes about Tonks. It would be a shame if some of their conversations online, after these shootings, were somehow outed. ;)

You don’t get a pass with this feeble, fascist terrorist enabling bullshit. You literally equated those who resist fascism to the fascists who are killing people on a regular basis. Wake up!

Yep, that’s the way to stand against fascism, condemn those who actually do and pretend that the winger terrorists don’t exist. If only those in the Walmart at the time of the shooting had tried your approach.

Yep, funny how that works in a so called representative democracy, where those in states that aren’t reich wing count as pretty much 3/5ths of a person.

Many Americans, as you know, are still laboring under the delusion that somehow they are better off than those in other countries and have more rights and more ‘freedom.’ If they knew just how much they are being shafted and how badly off they are compared to many other developed Western nations, they would be in the

The American empire is disintegrating. It can’t last more than few years, a decade at the most. The experiment failed long ago and the US needs to be recognized as the oligarchy and failed state that it is and broken up. The shithole, red states can join together and become the third world nation that they are.

Well we already have that in the form of the GOP and the NRA.

Which puts you on exactly the same level as the fascists. Defending oneself is one thing, deliberate violence for political ends however is the text book definition of terrorism and will land you on the terrorist watch list.

Strangely enough, as the US is revealed more and more to be a fascist state, yes, opposing fascism is still a thing.

This is not what Antifa does. You’ve swallowed the fascist enabling rhetoric whole. Antifa seek to avoid violence but to stand up to fascists in order to protect counter protestors and to provide a street presence that acts as a physical counter to attempted fascist takeovers of public spaces. It’s entirely different.

“There was a time when the vast majority of deadly domestic terrorist attacks were committed by leftist extremists.” In fact there never was such a time. 

Anyone who is still an active Republican, supporting the Trump regime, shares the blame. Being a ‘good German,’ is not a defense. Since when do people choose to be black?

Yes lol, the historical ignorance is a requirement to be an active winger now. Orwell proven right yet again.

You also know though that Texas is not as red as it is made out to be. Gerrymandering and plain old corruption and grift are the only things keeping the state red.

You’d be surprised perhaps at how many Hispanics are espousing white supremacy in the US now, not realizing that they would be among the first to be labelled as sub human and put in the concentration camps. Kapos will kapo.