
If you think that you’re hidden with your fake, online accounts, you’re not. You can be tracked down, outed and publicly humiliated, just as many others are being. You and your kind, who are busy killing anyone who doesn’t agree with your fuhrer are a clear and present danger to the US.

Extreme violence is exactly what the fascists want. That’s how the get to label any who oppose them as being terrorists, while ignoring the actual right wing terrorists.

If you are willing to oppose fascism without killing anyone, then you’re antifa.

And anyone who opposes fascism. There goes the last vestige of even the pretense of the US being anything other than a fascist state.

Name a single person killed by Antifa? You’re political illiteracy is showing. By the way, if you are against anti fascists, you are literally a supporter and enabler of fascism, and will be treated accordingly. Your whataboutism and false equivalency are the same propaganda used by fascists. Do tell us where singing

The Puerto Ricans need to show mainlanders how to do that.

So resisting fascism makes people vermin? Goebbels would have been so proud of you

Literally this. Spot on! It’s pretty simple, yet so many are ignorant of this fact or ignore it to further the fascist agenda.

Funny how those who resist fascism are singled out, but not a word about Trump supporting neo Nazis. Not a single person has been killed by Antifa. There is no defending those who support, enable and defend right wingers, who are now a clear and present danger to the US.

The first, the so called moderate Republican, has largely disappeared. They are now right wing Hillary bots, fake Democrats. Those who are still believing Republicans are either enablers of terrorists and criminals, or terrorists and criminals themselves.

However long it may have taken TVs_Frank, he’s still correct and on the right side of history. That’s not a cause for criticism.

We will be wherever there are fascists, like the shooter. Trump supporting goons do not get to tell Americans not to fight fascism.

No wifi is simply garbage for this day and age and useless for most. Also, a lot of the links are so out of date, they’re now dead pages or for items that are no longer being sold. This is just embarrassing for a tech article in 2019.

No wifi is simply garbage for this day and age and useless for most. Also, a lot of the links are so out of date,

Why are you recommending anything from a financial institution that has a record of fraud and illegality? Also, who the fuk uses these things? Most Americans can’t afford them. Talk about out of touch.

Why are you recommending anything from a financial institution that has a record of fraud and illegality? Also, who