Ha! My mom lives in rural lily-white redneckville and her neighbor regularly shoots at her to scare her.
Ha! My mom lives in rural lily-white redneckville and her neighbor regularly shoots at her to scare her.
I doubt that rumor is true since Leto is a vocal vegan.
Not sure what that has to do with my post, which was; “Hillary Clinton is a millionaire, that’s married to an ex-president whose son-in-law runs a hedge fund. So complaining about “privilege,” isn’t a good way to convince people to vote for her”
Yup. Nader received 97,488 votes in Florida. Over 200,000 registered Democrats voted for Bush.
Hell, more REGISTERED DEMOCRATS voted for Bush in Florida than Nader.
Much like Trump she just refused to debate Bernie in Brooklyn because of his “tone,” and is starting to use the same racist dog-whistles to target his Jewishness that she used in 2008 to target Obama’s blackness.
Hillary Clinton is a millionaire, that’s married to an ex-president whose son-in-law runs a hedge fund. So complaining about “privilege,” isn’t a good way to convince people to vote for her.
For all the “I’ll never vote for Bernie because his supporters are so mean,” I’ve experienced and witnessed name calling, accusations, and guilty tripping for Clinton supporters both IRL and online.
He turned the Red Hot Chili Peppers offer to pay venues for his events saying it was “too much money to take from them,” and he “didn’t want to beholden to anyone,” so I doubt it.
Yeah, I actually don’t like Fark, I bought the book as a gift for my brother, who loves Fark, and ended up reading it because I will read anything I can get my hands on.
The guy that runs Fark, wrote a book called; It’s Not News, It’s Fark: How Mass Media Tries to Pass Off Crap as News. It includes a chapter titled, “Equal Time for Nutjobs,” about how the media likes to give the opposite side of a story, even when it’s proven to be untrue for “the conversation,” when really they’re…
Can you file a complaint when the class is over or anonymously?
My brother was born with a mohawk too.
I’ve posted this on here before, but my mom, a Sanders supporter said; “Wouldn’t it be nice, just once, if an HRC supporter actually took responsibility and said they support Clinton because they liked the Iraq War, love corporate control of the republic, think the environmental disaster of the Keystone Pipeline is…
DeNiro and Grace Hightower are still married.
My dad had that same sweater.
Once I was in the ER and I was supposed to be moved after shift change a half hour later. I feel asleep and woke up 5 hours later and had not been moved.
I liked this post because I love Due South!
The years have been much kinder to her though.