A few years ago I read an article about Boston cops abusing databases to look up area celebrities. Someone (I think Tom Brady) was looked up so often, I wondered how they got anything else done.
A few years ago I read an article about Boston cops abusing databases to look up area celebrities. Someone (I think Tom Brady) was looked up so often, I wondered how they got anything else done.
Why does he have to be a ginger?
I took Psychology of Aging in college. There was stuff about how a lot of middle aged people, particularly women, revert into a junior high mentality, because they’re kids are going away to college, they’re retiring, etc. so they lose pieces of their identity. This makes them insecure.
I second this recommendation. Pink Ribbons Inc. is great.
You’re right. I belonged to an internet group based on a shared very specific interest (we all shipped the same couple of a TV series). We were tight, and I even met some of them in person. One of them picked a fight with me over nothing. Then when I got upset, she claimed she only did it because she was bored and…
I thought Harvard revoked his scholarship. Plus, does Harvard even have online degrees?
What school is he supposedly enrolled in?
My 60-year-old mom has lived in rural Florida for decades, where more than one of her neighbor has a goddamn confederate flag hanging outside. She loved Straight Outta Compton.
When I watch General Hospital online, I see luxury car commercials. When I see it on TV, there are always commercials for some fancy rehab in Malibu. Does GH have rich viewers that I don’t know about?
I remember when Freaks & Geeks originally aired (yes, I’m old), they shows a commercial for the then-current movie American Beauty that only shows the teenage characters.
We should start a club! Or a support group.
Tatum O’Neill won an Oscar for it. At age 10!
When I read the headline, I was annoyed because I was a young film geek that saw lots of movies that were inappropriate for my age (I may the only person on earth that watch American Psycho with their mom because the theater wouldn’t sell me a ticket when I was alone), but 13 seems like a good cutoff age for R rated…
Bingo. I’ve talked about this on here before, but I grew up in an economically depressed area near a military base. I knew more than one guy that put in his 20 years, got a pension + benefits and railed against “welfare queens,” while dating women on welfare. One guy would mock his girlfriend to her face and dangle…
My mom first dated my dad when she 18, and he was 33! When I was 18, I was uncomfortable around the attractive 25-year-old in one of my classes.
I read the book first and was disappointed by the doc because it left so much out. The book is so much better.
Oh, it’s about a preacher who takes his family to the Congo in the 1960s, to “spread the word.” Things don’t go well.
Have these people never read The Poisonwood Bible?
I’m from Florida, though I now live in Virginia, and I totally understand. I chose a party when I registered to vote just to be able to vote in the primaries, and I hated doing it.
I’m from Florida. Both my parents were/are Independents, but one registered Republican, the other Democrat when they moved to Florida, just to vote in the primaries.