I’ve seen Clinton supporters fucking demand Sanders supporters “pledge” to vote for her if she’s the nominee.
I’ve seen Clinton supporters fucking demand Sanders supporters “pledge” to vote for her if she’s the nominee.
Ennis Cosby was murdered in January of 1997. Autumn Jackson, Cosby’s possible “love child,” called him and threatened to sell her story to the tabloids in December 1996. She was arrested 2 days after Ennis died for extortion. So, yeah, it all happened at the same time.
I think he’s upper middle/lower upper rather than super-rich. I’m just not buying the “poor scholarship kid tempted by a rich hussy” narrative his defense and the certain media outlets keep pushing.
Liked for the mention of Dominick Dunne!
I read partial to St. Paul’s and full for Harvard, but now I’m seeing other stuff that say full for St. Paul’s.
They even dyed his eyebrows.
As I posted elsewhere, his scholarship was only partial, and was for athletics.
He had a partial athletic scholarship. His mom is currently has a house on the market for $800,000.
You’re right. My cards were stolen last year. All I had to do was file a claim and send my credit card companies a copy of the police report I filed, and I wasn’t held responsible.
His sister is fashion designer Rachel Antonof.
Me too.
Daddy’s Boy is my favorite!
While nepotism has always existed in showbiz (the Barrymores, anyone?), I think it’s gotten worse. I noticed this a couple of ears ago, when Vanity Fair did one of their “young Hollywood” issues, and almost everyone featured was the child of a famous/influential person.
I got a very nice invitation from a very nice lady I’d never met to a very nice playgroup with other kids who will be going to Grace’s new school. Playgroup Mom cc’d several parents in the email and introduced me, and then wrote: “It’s a good thing Noah’s a little ladies’ man cause he is going to be seriously…
I got my mom to start watching too!
So full of shit. I replaced HIV/AIDS with Alzheimer’s Disease in her statement, and it makes NO FUCKING SENSE.
I had to read your post twice because I couldn’t quite wrap my head around what you wrote. So they wanted you to pay them to work for them?
I think that’s one of the reasons Paul Walker got so much love. He won the mediocre actor sweepstakes and embraced it.