Anne Noise

They're going to replace the incest with race wars, and the live octopus with an Italian stereotype.

Dakota Fanning.

Can you name me a celebrity who is aptly described by a tabloid headline?


I enjoyed it because I find Liam Neeson, Sharlto Copley and Bradley Cooper all immensely fuckable, and Cooper especially was all shirtless and pec-y for that role.

It's really too bad that this was your first episode, too, this show is usually very smart, quick and entertaining.  You should try the Art Crawl or Foodies episodes, they are both flaw free.

Funny story:

Yeah, I don't remember the context, but on Family Guy there's a clip of Peter throwing his jacket over his shoulder and putting his foot up on something, and every cut had him repeating it.  I thought the Simpsons did it better in a longer, more subtle, better pay-off way.

You are N'gungo now!

You'll never stop the Simpsons!

Right size, right wheels, right hand, right on.  RIGHT ON!  RIGHT ON!!  And he's got something to say to all those 15 billion pair of ears out there!  Pop it, D-man!

Or a kunai through the forearm.

The big fight between Stewie and Penelope, flying through the air with the anti-grav bubble, and falling onto the largest truck in Pawtucket (same one Peter and the Chicken fought on?) was one of the best things I've seen on Family Guy since the show's return.  Very well choreographed and lots of fun.  Loved the

I don't think I've ever read "huge cock" so much in a comments section.  (Well, other than at Manhunt.)  Kudos.

The noise she makes while upset is up there with Marge's murmur for "those little things in life that make me so, so happy."

Can anybody hear me?  Can anybody hear me?

Ugh, I really disliked this episode.  The farcical elements seemed forced and had none of the comedy I know and love from this show.   I'm saddened that the return of Ms. Mullaly, and the wonderful Ken Jeong, were wasted on such a tepid, uninspired episode.

I am honored to accept your waste!

The lesson I learned from that lesson was: just listen to the damn signs.

My driver's ed teacher gave us such gems as "the speed limit signs in yellow are optional; the real speed limit is still the white sign."  I'm pretty sure the two weekends I spent there were more detrimental to my driving skills as a teen than anything else.