Anne Noise

Oh, and my computers since the day I first saw this movie have always been named "Lucy," or some derivative - Lucy, Lucy the Second, Lucifer (what I had decided was the male version of Lucy) and the current Lucifer II 4.

God, this movie is so amazing.  There's so much useless bullshit mixed in with genuinely interesting ideas and stuff.

For the record, they didn't sleep together.  June says her ex-fiance was her first and only.

I'm surprised there was no "absurd/ist" in there, I'd use it more than "weird," though "weird" could be third on the list.

Holy shit was Scott the DILF a hot dude.  I do think I'm getting the vapors.

I have a feeling you're going to be waiting quite a while.

@mgilmer:disqus Thanks for the info, I've been listening to the 2011 release, I'll have to grab those two tracks, also.  I thought I had heard a different version of Little Talks, and Lord knows rereleases get tinkered tracks all the time, I'm glad they more or less released it as-is.

Not turning into Lemongrab is… UNACCEPTABLE!

One is much, much more embarrassing.

I'm so sick of being "that guy."

Really, you thought the show was better?  I'd give the movie a C+ (D+ during that two years when everyone was quoting it, for burnout) but the show was unwatchable.  I tried three different episodes and couldn't make it more than five minutes into any of them.  The pilot episode barely even had jokes!  It was just

Fox failed hard with two new shows on the Sunday night block, Napoleon Dynamite and that shitty Jonah Hill one that's already cancelled.  With two new shows failing in the time slot, and American Dad rating higher than Cleveland Show or Bob's Burgers most nights, I think it's a pretty safe bet it'll be back.

Season 1 ends with Schmidt getting a sex change, thus making him the new New Girl.

"Girl," starring the girl as Girl.

Can't tell if racial commentary or not…

My mind is blown that the idea of a "cereal restaurant" is a thing, let alone that someone made a movie about one.

"Quirky" is just an adjective to describe the Manic Pixie Dream Girl, an archetype which fits Zooey most definitely.


Happy to help!

Hmmm.  So it looks like the album was self-released in 2011, and re-released on Universal this week?  They took off one track, Numb Bears, and gave it to the iTunes release as a bonus track - any idea if they remastered or rerecorded anything?  I bought the 2012 release, but I'm curious if the 2011 release is any