Anne Noise

I wish it wasn't but I would argue Michael Ian Black is the face of I Love the Blankities?  Is there a face?  Does that make Gilbert Gottfried the rectum?  @avclub-a6fdefb2b99177b152b2392b43097665:disqus , you crazy.

I find them very sexy and very funny.  Something about normal, funny guys who happen to be able to stick it in from both sides at once really does it for me.

I find the insistence that I bookmark this and come back later, or be spoiled, much more perplexing.

Adopted children.

Homer Simpson, smiling politely.

@avclub-acaa34b54a9edc783ec0b6a0a27eaff7:disqus : I must not like this show as much as I think I do, because I'm missing or forgetting stuff all over the place this season.

@avclub-3a04d36f2c53226d9c27c607cea5e299:disqus : I don't like Sarah either, and not because she's a well-written shithead, but because she gets the short end of the quality plot stick too often.  And I'm disappointed because she's always be Lorelai Gilmore to me…

I wasn't a hater until I heard the phrase "Crasmine."  Sounds like an Ocean Spray dried fruit product.

Ah, I must've missed it.  …thus supporting my theory that they are doing a lot of wishful thinking and very little practical thinking.

Jabbar made my normally-childproof heart swell three sizes too large, with his fully believable joy at seeing his parents together.

Great point, she "resolved" her issues with Drew, but I guess this episode is the one where she tells Amber about her life, or whatever?  The show did kind of make it seem like they hadn't talked in months, when I just kind of assumed they did that kind of thing - stop by, chit-chat - off-camera.  The show has no idea

I disagree with all of your points other than the use of "tharn."

Julia's hyperventilation freakouts are some of her best acting, for sure.  I can totally relate to that kind of panicky, quiet, personal breakdown.

I don't know his history with women, but he's been open and honest about his learning and growth surrounding transexuals and his own ignorance.

And I wanted to be Oshi, but they made me Ori!

Tyler kills it, and his part of the video is the best, but everyone else is forgettable, which is too bad.  I expect more out of Hodgy and Domo.

I'd give your right nut to witness that, too.

I found it strange that Dia got more support, advertising, airplay and video rotation (when that was a Thing) under Meg and Dia, but now no one knows who she is again, despite being on a moderately successful show and stuff?  Her poor career has been handled so haphazardly.

If wishes were knishes, he wouldn't have lost weight at all.

Yuuup.  Their videos can get picky as various hosting sites come and go, and they're still transitioning from shitty syndication rips to DVD rips, but it's happening!  And free!  And reliable!