Anne Noise

His laughter reminds me of Dr. Hibbert, in a great way.  Just a guy who's own presence is jovial enough for… himself.

Mine would be "Sartoshi, the Eater of Souls," for sure.  The delivery on the growling scream belch after "Cookie Puss!  I will eat your soul!" is my favorite thing this series has ever done.  They use a similar sound for belching.  So robust and bold.

If a hipster sews in the forest, but there's no one to hear his buzz, does Isaac make a sound?

Um, team Becky Number 2 all the way.

This was a reply to @avclub-95e2374e4c9f5f49f0e03fac57fb95d3:disqus , but I am dumb and did it wrong.

A character marketing itself and its story to a mildly receptive audience of dull-eyed children.

What's a diorama?

Woah, this is hard.  Where's my Tab?

Lemony Snicket is only a hop, skip and unfortunate event away from being Lana Del Rey.

Handler's book The Basic Eight is one of my favorite books about high school murder ever.  Lemony Snicket is also pretty good.

He got me again!

I wanted to post this but was too lazy to even Google a tool to do the reversing for me.

Bonception, Bonception.

Amber does have a way of taking things vaginally.  (Literally inside her vagina.)

Be prepared for a scene shot ominously - they already did the "car interior means car crash" bit… Maybe go the Lost route and have a sudden plane crash?  Kristina has to fly with Sparkle Motion so it's her plane's engine that crashes into Drew's bedroom?  I think I'm getting my mythologies confused…

Love the Claire / Amber comparison, I hadn't seen it before.

Someday an episode of Parenthood will direct itself and we'll all descend into a perpetual indie rock twilight.

Or divide by zero.

I am Peter Krause's puppet account.

7.  Headquarters for Dollar Tree.