Anne Noise

On the PS3, for co-op, I fully recommend Portal 2, and no, you don't need to play the first for it all makes sense.  The co-op is flawless.


For some reason my local affiliate loves to air episodes from 2008 to 2011 almost every day at 6pm, and every once in a while, about five or six times a month, there's a more classic episode, usually from seasons 8 or 9.  I think they lost the rights to other seasons?  Either way, it's total bullshit, and upsets me

Another first person shooter that barely tries anything new and still somehow manages to not be worth the time to play.  Just make Doom 3 2, please, id.

Baby, you got a stew going.

Say "titmouse" again.

Dream-catcher earrings seem stupid.  Does she wear them at sleep?  Do they gather daydreams?  Or just eliminated contestants shattered dreams?

I thought it funny that she constantly pulls out the "this is my first time" reason-slash-excuse for the judges, but then spent this episode talking about how "different" from her normal stuff this is.  She (and/or the editing) really does sell her Look At Me Sew act quite well every episode.

Since draping is all he can do, amirite.

Well, whatever floats his boat, but I see how he would leave a gaping hole - pun intended - in our relationship.  Oh well!

To me, unless they say "ready to wear" as part of the challenge, who cares if the girl has to be cut out of it?  They're generally making runway clothes for the show whether they normally make readywear or not - if it works on the runway, it works on the runway.  Would a girl really be expected to glue weird shit to

You say tomato.

Love this song.  Definitely the best on 4, since the rest was boring as shit.

I could care less how he got it.

There's no "probably" about it - I remember reading she'd given at least ten million dollars to the church, more than Tom Cruise.

Probably got it out of the ATM machine.

Well hot dog.  We have a weiner.

"Burly Handlebar Mustache Makeup Guy?"


If only Lisa was that lucky.