Anne Noise


There must be some kind of illicit underground Nielsen community where you can go to plea for Nielsen hits.

Same here.  We didn't actually do the process of writing down what we watched that much, we just filled in the shit we liked.  It took forever to write The Simpsons over and over for every repeat it was on, for every TV in the household.


I loved him as Sherlock Holmes' hat in Sherlock Holmes.  Rogen has a long career as headwear ahead of him.  (GET IT, AHEAD OF HIM.)

Joseph Gordon-Levitt can do no wrong.

I'm convinced I would win Top Model, if I wasn't a dude.  I had a dream once where I basically did - a whole season in one dream, somehow.  Best dream ever.

Yes, as of your post, 11 hours ago, no more dubstep music will ever be produced.

Lady Sovereign's career trajectory makes (made?) me sad.

Didn't this album come out a billion years ago?

Courtney?  Is that you?

That video made me actively dislike Cobain more.  Thanks.

It bothered me that Tom Collichio hosted a show called Masterchef on this episode.  It's just confusing - Tom hosts Tom Chef!  There's already a show called Masterchef, on THE SAME NETWORK, hosted by Gordon Ramsey.  They really couldn't come up with a Top Chef joke?

One episode isn't really enough to judge how much they're going to use a cast member.  And besides, Jay Pharoah does way less than both Fred Armisen and Kenan, fairly consistently.  If he doesn't show me at least a hint of talent outside of a decent lineup of impressions, I hope he gets cut - he adds nothing to the

God forbid you had to wait twelve hours.  First world problems.

Both bottoms. They need a third and/or a double-headed dildo. (And/or a third double-headed dildo.)

…what?  You're dumb.  He posted a fully valid and interesting comment critiquing the show from his viewpoint.  What the fuck do you care if he dislikes the show constantly, as long as his comment is worthwhile and legitimate?

See also: Amy Pohler and Will Arnett's kid.

The rum ham floating away from the raft was some kind of computer wizardy.

Amy Winehouse looks like an embalmed Amy Winehouse.