Anne Noise

Akin to joining the Matheletes.

Challenge accepted.  (Or: why I'm responding to 14 hour old comments.)

Is there an Orange Julius stand on this floor?

This happened to me while watching Gia once.  Fairly tame movie, sex-wise, except for the one five minute vignette starring Angelina Joile's tits, which was the entire time my mom spent watching the movie with my friends and I before leaving.

My experience, thankfully, wasn't too bad - my first R-rated movie was American Pie, which I saw with my dad, at whatever tender age I was when that movie came out - 14 or something?  Just what's her tits' tits.

Thanks, I just spent twelve hours on TV Tropes.  Thanks.  Thanks.

Just to make you feel older, the first R-rated movie I saw in theaters was American Pie.

Yup, I watched my parent's copy of T2 very, very late the evening they rented it.  That movie sets a pretty permanent impression in a kid's mind, haha, screaming flaming skeletons and all.

I saw Terminator 2 at a pretty young age, but not in theaters - at home.

List the 20 pieces better tailored, GO!

I have a dead mother, although it's a few years older than him, and I thought his entire breakdown made him look like such a manipulative wiener; grief pressed through soldered-shut tearducts like Joan Rivers.

I'm surprised to find he has haters.  I think he's wonderful.  Kudos to him on the distribution deal.

I'm frustrated by the dynamic because it's been so poorly explored this season.  This is the first I've heard of the on-again-off-again relationship; it was obvious, I guess?  But felt like super sloppy continuity.

Indeed we would all sleep with Scott Patterson.  Good call!

They dropped the "Music" last year.  It used to be an initialism, and now is not.

Paul Rudd made me totally want to bang Paul Rudd.

Rollin' with the homies…

I like this album quite a bit, but as with any shoegaze-y stuff, I can only listen for so long before getting… sad.  But it's good; drifty, sensibly dense, kind of reminds me of some of Tori Amos' more ethereal stuff.

David's prayer had me bawling too.  Very intense and well done.

That's a long wait.  /sad.