Anne Noise

In my book, doing what you want for a living and getting paid for it - even if its getting fucked up and partying - is kind of my goal in life. Kudos to the Shore-ites for lucking into their dream jobs, and I hope they have the good sense to quit before… well, before one of them gets alcohol poisoning and dies. (See

What you will.

Yes, there is some. Reading these recaps are much more entertaining than watching the show, but to be honest, there are a billion and four sites that do the same thing, so if its causing author burnout or no one gives a shit, then fuck it.

Yeah, he is clearly older than her, but do you really think he looks that much older than her? I would've guessed three or four years older, and as Tacit points out, that's just right.

On the character side, I think the subtle growth of her into a smart-assed but compassionate person is perfect. She's always been a little more than the "usual" teenager, and I don't think the kindness was out of place for her, especially on Thanksgiving.

As a gay, I have to say - I would rather fuck Cher than see a Cher movie.

Her body is perfect for burlesque, curvy in all the right places.

I was unaware Glee invented the genre of burlesque. Someone should tell Dita von Teese.

@Col. Gentleman - aren't reviews on subjective material like music meant to be taken with a grain of salt anyway? The reviewer and you aren't likely to have the same tastes, so who cares?

For the record, Cheers doesn't have an Alanis sample, it's an Avril Lavigne sample. I can't decide which is worse.

Yes, Ted, Cannibal is an excellent compliment to Animal. It has almost the exact same pacing and sound.

Or "bodily post-sexual."

As someone who has listened to the album, yes, it is B-as-in-above-average. Fuck the haters. I don't even like it ironically, or hipster-ally, or whatever ever other -ally people use these days to somehow justify their own insecurity about their taste. I've enjoyed the six or seven listens I've experienced

Because hate her or not, she's relevant right now, and is continuing to push relevancy with catchy, of-the-moment pop music?

One of the best lines from Simpsons, or rather, my young self thought so and my adult self is happy to remain clouded by nostalgia. The delivery of "tasty fish" is used all too often in sushi restaurants between my friends and I.

She's tall.
I, too, loved the clever twist with Lorelai not getting jealous over the "other woman." It was totally what I was expecting, and the trope subversion was so subtle and excellent that I felt even more connected to the lovely Amber. (As if I wasn't connected to her enough!)

Fully agreed. No discussion necessary. Nevermind has always been overrated in my mind - especially Smells Like Teen Spirit! - whereas Siamese Dream is beautiful. Today is a perfect song. Perfect.

This album is excellent, but I'm only here for Coen's gimmick:
Fuck you.

Almost fully agreed
I'd agree with the C, but I disagree that Erase Me is awful - that and Wylin' Cause I'm Young are my favorite tracks on the album. They're the only ones with character, or rather, a character other than the once-interesting-but-now-boring "look how stoned I sound" Cudder.

Unnecessary sequel to the worst Pixar movie to date?