
You mean Obama.

Author of this piece is a badass. Nothing more to say.

The only thing that pisses off people more than a fat woman is a fat woman who doesn’t properly hate herself for being fat.

It’s amazing how they never see the correlation. “I’m oppressed because none of these stuck-up feminazi bitches will fuck me! And Jennifer Lawrence is a fat, ugly whore who I wouldn’t fuck with someone else’s dick!”

Whenever I try some on I’m like “Why do I look like the Joker with liver failure and a mustache?”

I bounce between Imgur and Jez. If a stupid hate post makes the front page there are sometimes a lot of comments questioning it and disagreeing, but it is still there...being upvoted. So weird. Like it’s a website that’s constantly arguing with itself.

Iranians are white except when it comes to terrorism related topics. Then they’re all middle eastern terrorists.

My best friend recently divorced her abusive husband and I was lucky enough to receive a Facebook message from him about what a fat, triple chin, cunt bitch I am and how my life is so sad now that I’m fat. (I was about 40 pounds lighter in high school, where I first met him.) My family reacted the same way yours did

I am 70 pounds bigger than I was in 1978. I have been, at one point, over twice my HS weight. But now, I get to be this guy every December:

With the knowledge gained from a bachelor’s in writing at my disposal, I wrote back, “LOL.”

And the confidence. Everytime I put it on I end up wiping it off before I leave the house.

You know, it’s moments like these that make me happy I have been fat my whole life. I look pretty much the same as when I was in high school—I had gained about 25 pounds between 17 and 40, and now I am back around my high school weight. All the jerks, assholes, and bitches who mocked and shamed me, I couldn’t even

I agree with you, but I think there are two separate ideas here. One is Egypt as the cosmopolitan entity, and the other is Egypt as the Hollywood construct. If the issue is whitewashing, you can insist all you want that ancient Egypt actually contained people of different color, but if the images you are being

The amount of intellectual gymnastics you have to employ to get around a fact as plain as day should tell you something.

“If a POC says something about race and a white person isn’t there to “set them straight” are they still wrong?”

I’m sorry why are you so in denial about Khan being Indian? I really don’t get why you want this to be the you die on.

Fine, I’ll explain it. In the original book (Bringing Down the House), the card counting teams were all Asian kids. It wasn’t just a happenstance, it was integral to their scheme: white kids putting down that kind of money at a blackjack table would have stood out too much. The main character gets picked to join the

I can’t even deal today. The lack of representation for white folks in pop culture is just such a weird hill for people to die on.

Yes, his name is Khan Noonian Singh, he is clearly supposed to be Indian.

So this should be a fun comments section.