
Well then my principles are that I ride on a pegasus everywhere I go and subsist on only oxygen and water. They might talk about fiscal conservation but that clearly hasn't meant shit since Reagan, at least.

I've never heard a Democrat proclaim that they love "big government." I have heard many or even most Democrats say that they believe social services are a vital and necessary part of democracy, essentially. That's got nothing to do with a woman's right to choose.

I heard it was coming back!

True on all counts!

I agree wholeheartedly about the standardized food thing. It's way easier to regulate iceberg lettuce and those disgusting, anemic pink tomatoes fast food places are so fond of than to offer a variety of colorful veggies. And in most fast food places, the healthy options are seriously lacking - they're not filling or

I agree! I always think that as well.

It's also about industrialization. In agrarian countries/societies, children are wealth. In industrialized nations (especially ones with child labor laws), children are a liability.

I think that's becoming less and less true. Me and my girlfriends asked out/pursued guys all the time in my dating days. Maybe that's unusual, but I don't think so. That said, I think going dutch is always preferable.

I don't agree with all of your points, but I definitely agree with not doing dinner on a first date. If you do coffee or drinks, then you can bail after an hour - or you have the option to tack on dinner if you want.

Right? As in, "If you were hot this wouldn't be as big of a deal but YOU AREN'T SO NYEEEAH."

Exactly. When I was still in my dating days, I always suggested meeting at a coffee shop, and we both bought our drinks separately. I didn't feel guilty, and it was within my broke-ass means at the time.

I talked to an expert, and corn sugar and regular sugar are exactly the same, though! /snort

Eh. 7 and a half years isn't too bad if she's mature. My husband is 7 and change older than me, but it worked out just fine for us.

I love that! It's so true. I do miss it sometimes. A couple weeks after my son was born, he was napping in another room, and I had a minor freakout because "omg the baby hasn't moved in hours!" It's weird to never be alone, but it's also comforting.

Haha. I've totally had that feeling while pregnant. I don't find it gross or anything, but it was weird never feeling alone once he started moving consistently.

Well the amniotic fluid isn't all pee, but it does have pee in it. I find the idea of pee way less disgusting than poop, but pregnancy overall is a messy business.

Fair enough - they typically don't poop inside you. And if they do, it's not for months and months. Once, at the max.

Your blood volume increases by 30%! It's a lot more to pump.

Well, they don't poop in you, for one.

It's a Disney movie called Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey.