
It was “It’s a Small World.” :) That was clever and funny. Also, “La Cuchracha” as Scott’s car horn.

A lot of pop music sounded like the Neptunes, because they were all over the pop and hip-hop scene, doing songs for NSYNC, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Nelly, and various other forgettable artists. Pharrell Williams has only became more pop-famous in the last few years as himself, but as half of the Neptunes, he

I really liked this song, and I still have it on a mix tape that I made from 2005, along with a lot of mash-ups, and 80’s pop cheese (Belinda Carlisle, Air Supply, Michael Bolton, Bryan Adams).

Are you still drunk from yesterday’s afternoon bender?

That show was awesome, and so messed-up. I stopped watching it because the humor got way too crass for me to still like it, but up to then, it was a lot of fun, and I was happy to hear Cree Summer play an actual adult after voicing kids and animals practically her whole career. She sounded like she loved playing Foxxy

I think Amy’s show got better in the third season, with better writing and more social-commentary pieces, but as I am not a fan of her standup or her persona, I will give more credit to her writing staff than her. I liked the military rape sketch and the FNL sketch, but a lot of her recent stuff is too preachy to me.

Right, if they were one of the kids at the birthday party in the sequel who liked the Ghostbusters even when everyone else was all for He-Man, that would be funny. I agree that they could take up the mantle, or, since Egon briefly mentioned franchising, that they became a local Ghostbusters team.

I agree, the names didn’t jump at me as sounding very special or unique.

Kenny Loggins struck gold in the 80’s with hit theme songs to three classic movies (Caddyshack, Footloose, Top Gun).

If it wasn’t a straight remake, I would have liked it if it followed in the way the 21 Jump Street movie did their reboot. In that one, the movie takes place in present-day with two cops, and they get put into a undercover program that was being revived from an 80’s program. It didn’t make the movie a sequel really,

My cousin and her daughters attended her concert in Philly last month, and loved it. I liked seeing the selfies of them at the show, looking all psyched to be there. I am happy you had a great time at the concert.

I agree. I really adored the film and thought it was great. But I think it works better as a short, taking out the parts about her parents and the bio dad of Jules and other stuff that wasn’t necessary to the core story.

I don’t like it. Her voice doesn’t really fit the song, it sounds jarring over the Timbaland/Missy beats, and doesn’t flow together well. She has a nice voice, I just don’t think the beats were mixed together well.

The title leads to an anticlimatic ending, where you feel brave enough to get out of your car for a few moments, only to get scared by a strange-looking man and run back into your car. The piece was well-written, but it didn’t feel like much of a story about independence, as if the men had proven you right. Just a

He played a Nigerian doctor who worked as a cab driver and night shift hotel employee in Dirty Pretty Things, he could do a working-class character.

It was amazing. The whole sequence at the soccer game was incredible, and the film had a lot of suspense and terror in it that left me shaken up afterwards.

I do think Seth McFarlane is talented, even if I’ve stopped watching Family Guy years ago. He is a very talented singer and voice actor, and is very charismatic, and he produced the reboot of Cosmos. He is talented, I just don’t like what he often uses his talent for writing-wise.

This was fun to read. Thank you for sharing your pictures and describing your experiences. I hope you had a wonderful time in Iceland!

Thank you!!! Great post.

My sister really enjoyed India, but also had that attitude of “enlightenment” that seemed patronizing when she described people she met. I understand what you mean.