
My favorites were Dave and Bruce McCulloch. Dave because he could say absurd things with a chipper and happy voice, and Bruce for his monologues about random things that he found amusing, as well as his offbeat stuff.

I can’t tell if Lisa Bonet is shy or she just doesn’t want to deal with talking to Andre and let Lenny do all the talking. Lenny even sounded like he was over it.

Pariah was really good. I rented it a few years ago, and thought it had great acting and storytelling in it. :)

I agree. I tried watching Scandal and Grey’s Anatomy, and could not stay interested in either one. I don’t think either show is bad, but I’m not into soap operas, so it’s not my taste. But I like that she does have racially diverse casts and writes women characters well.

“She’s reading a novel! Lock her up!”

I saw this today. It’s a good storyline, but a boring execution. Blake Lively was dull in it, and there wasn’t anything interesting about Adaline, not enough for men to be falling in love with her practically on sight. I agree that the movie only picked up whenever Harrison Ford was onscreen, he injected life and

I once rented a movie called Supernova from Netflix, it starred James Spader and Angela Bassett. The movie I got in the mail instead was Supernova, starring Luke Perry and Tia Carrere. I didn’t bother to watch it, I assumed it probably sucked.

I spoke to her on the phone four years ago while I was doing telemarketing for American Ballet Theatre’s fundraising campaign. I recognized her name on the call list. She was very sharp, and would talk over me about how much she loved the ballet while refusing to let me get a word in to convince her to make a

That looks really cool, she looks like a princess from Stargate.

Beyonce is a talented performer, but talks like an airhead Barbie doll in interviews, can barely string an intelligent sentence together, and does not come off as smart at all. She has great management handling her career, I sincerely doubt she is running things. I like some of her songs, but never liked her as a

My parents let me have wine and beer at family parties as a teen, so there wasn’t any mystery about drinking or trying to rebel. I also wasn’t a smoker, though I tried pot 2-3 times between high school and college, to see what it felt like. I felt like a giggling idiot when high, so I haven’t smoked in 13 years.

You likely were much cooler than anybody who brags about being a shitfaced idiot as a teen and claims that “all” teens are like that. I was a nerd who liked watching artsy movies, listening to punk-rock, writing a zine, watching sci-fi movies/TV shows, and didn’t have interest in drinking or smoking, not felt like I

I didn’t go to these parties, and neither did my friends. We were nerds that would rather talk about Lord of the Rings, Monty Python, and sci-fi stuff than try to get wasted. Don’t generalize for everyone.

Pretty much since her dad made her the center of the group and her mom made her look the lightest and blondest of the group, of course she stood out as the star.

She has crossed over into being a pop star, she long left being “hood” behind.

EGR is the managing editor, so likely she and Emma approved it before it published on the site.

I was just saying that to my friend today. I like dark and gritty movies, but not superhero movies where the hero is depressed and brooding all the time. Or taking something that is light and fun and making it “dark” and sucking the joy out of it.

For books, it was Francesca Lia Block’s “Girl Goddess #9.” It’s a collection of short stories for teen girls, and it changed my life at 13. It introduced me to so much artsy culture: Angels in America, David Bowie, Edith Piaf, Jean Cocteau, Patti Smith, tons of artsy stuff that I loved learning about as a preteen,

I got a smug and entitled attitude from her that I didn't like, the idea of a foreigner coming to a different country just to score drugs sounded selfish and gross. I don't smoke (I smoked weed about 2-3 times over ten years ago, but felt like a giggling idiot each time and didn't like feeling stupid while high), so I

Yeah, really. I hadn't heard of her before, but Ouija was quickly forgotten and this movie looks like crap with gimmicky filmmaking. I consider a real "scream queen" to be someone like Angela Bettis, Emmanuelle Vaugier, Amber Heard, Katharine Isabelle, or anyone who does a lot of horror movies, often on the indie