
That is a good point. I want to go on a European vacation this fall (visiting London, Paris, and Amsterdam), and as I’ve never been overseas, I don’t want to wander too far into unfamiliar neighborhoods or potentially annoy locals, me being a tourist and all. A good friend of mine said it’s good to get a little lost

I saw Heavy Metal Parking Lot several years ago, and did laugh when a metalhead woman in the lot goes, “Rob Halford? Yeah, I’d do him.” :)

Even after Merlan apologized for her errors in reporting the UVA hoax, she still wrote an article where she insulted a fellow journalist who found holes in Emma’s story, being dismissive and calling the journalist a liar. So she didn’t learn anything from the UVA hoax, and likely this story will prove her wrong again.

Yeah, really. I couldn’t stand the T.V. show, but I’m still not going to make fun of someone who took their own life, especially at such a young age.

I haven’t been able to do any international traveling, other than going to Montreal on my own in 2008 for a long weekend (and I live in NY, so the train ride was only 8 hours). I often didn’t make much money at my jobs, and whatever I saved kept going to health insurance bills, transfers to my checking account when my

That is just awful and horrible. I wish the best for his family and friends during this time.

Right, I don't see him as lovable. I only saw Silence of the Lambs (and I have Manhunter on my Netflix queue), but saw him as creepy and unsettling. I don't care to watch anything that makes him sympathetic or likable.

Stories like that interest me, where people try to "cure" people's deafness or blindness, and it backfires on them, not being the miracle they thought it would be. I cringe at videos where parents aww at their deaf babies who have cochlear implants and all "Baby hears for the first time!" I can understand that they

I thought they were the same too from the trailer, but they are different. The similarities is that both protagonists are cheerful people who lived underground for many years thinking the world had ended. They don't know current cultural references and are a little childlike in their interactions with the world,

I really liked Monkey when I read it in college, and just watched a recent Journey to the West Chinese movie with a friend, it was a lot of fun to watch.

Bruce Lee himself was part German. It could've worked with him in the lead.