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    See she said she was building a machine but all she seemed to be doing was dancing and kissing people.

    Is there anyone out there who wanted to see more Joker? He was painful to watch, such a cringe-worthy performance by Leto and even worse writing to go with it.

    Yep…exactly the same for me.

    Just saw SS and Leto was the worst part of a really bad movie IMO. He was cringe-worthy bad. And this is just fucking sad for him to come out and say.

    Did you watch the trailer? I thought it was awesome. Although I also did like the book and also put this as an automatic watch as soon as I heard they got Ian McShane to play Wednesday.

    Avengers: Infinity Wars
    Avengers: Infinity Plus One Wars

    This show was on before I was old enough to watch HBO so I didn't watch its run until a few years ago. I ended up loving it and trying, unsuccessfully, to get my friends to watch it as well. I'll definitely be revisiting some episodes in September.

    When you start questioning what her boyfriend and his mother may think and acting like they would be outraged just because you are, you're essentially speaking for other people in my book. And you're doing so to make your own outrage seem like its a sentiment shared by those close to her which is incredible bullshit.

    This movie seems to be shamelessly pandering to Chinese audiences while trying to salvage a US gross with Matt Damon. So can't blame anyone for bashing its existence.

    If she has a good relationship, her boyfriend wouldn't give a shit. And honestly, you should stop putting words in someone else's mouth. It doesn't make your point more convincing when you feign outrage on the behalf of people you've never fucking met.

    Yes agreed, it's mostly frustrating because I would watch 11 and 13 anytime they are on TV.

    Nope he plays Supergirl's adoptive father.

    God Ocean's 12 is such a steaming pile of shit. It pisses me off to this day.

    He looks too thin for the role to me. That being said I normally do enjoy Berlani-verse's casting decisions (Vandal Savage being the big exception) so hopefully I am proven wrong.

    I watched a good portion of it. It really wasn't good TV but I like Melissa in the lead role and so I tuned in when I had nothing better to do. I did like the whole inclusion of Martian Manhunter.

    You do know Dean Cain actually portrays a character on Supergirl - right?

    But when will we get the much-needed revival of Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde?

    I liked him in Snowpiercer. And Scott Pilgrim. And Not Another Teen Movie / Fantastic Four for the matter. He's not the greatest actor but he's usually fun to watch.

    I would definitely watch Fargo, Mr. Robot, and Mad Men over any Marvel show. And I like Marvel's lineup for the most part.

    No that hasn't been my whole argument and frankly I don't see the point in explaining my actual argument again to you. All I will say is you're an asshole for disregarding my opinion as "wrong" just because you have a different one. And that you're not someone I'm going to bothered to reply to anymore.