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    Yes of course it is my opinion…I thought that was clear when my very first post said "I don't really see how…" Just like your stance that Daredevil could have been integrated into the plot as well as Spider-Man was is your opinion. Isn't that the whole point of dumb arguments like this? To argue our opinions?

    I agree with Spidey being non-sensical as well but thought he was the highlight of the movie so hard for me to complain about his presence.

    No I don't think I am at all. I think that battle would have had to be rewritten quite a bit to incorporate Daredevil who wouldn't have been able to take on Falcon, Winter Soldier, or Giant-Man effectively.

    Which also makes him more likely to rebuke an offer to help capture Captain America than an impressionable teenager.

    Spider-Man has way more useful powers than Daredevil does. I'm a fan of Daredevil but c'mon, if you have your choice between the two, you're going to go with him.

    Yes but both Black Widow and Hawkeye are Avengers team members due to their affiliation with SHIELD. It makes sense for Tony and Cap recruited people they have worked with even if they wouldn't be particularly useful against heavy hitters like Vision and Scarlet Witch. It doesn't make much sense for them to go recruit

    I don't really see how he would have fit in. The battle between superheroes happened in Germany and it seems unlikely Tony would recruit a guy with no superpowers who mostly goes after common criminals to go after Cap and Bucky.

    IMO Marvel is just trying to utilize all of the IP they have access to and winging it on continuing movie or TV show franchises based on audience reaction. Guardians of the Galaxy, Daredevil, JJ, and Ant-Man are all examples of media that didn't have planned sequels but got them because they were received so well.

    How is this any different than any actor on a TV show's situation? Charlie Cox, for example, is basically doing one season of TV a year right now.

    I think you mean Jonn Ham.

    I liked it too when I first heard it. After hearing it roughly 2000x more on the radio, I loathe it.

    No Game of Thrones or Person of Interest is just ridiculous IMO. I get the former has had its problems in the last few seasons but this season delivered huge moments and very, very good episodes. And PoI went out with a great bang, although I suppose it makes sense that the site that couldn't be bothered to review it

    Everybody in Star Wars dies…it took place a long, long time ago after all.

    IMO Star Trek Beyond is an OK movie with some great action sequences. It really felt like a movie that could have been truly great with a few tweaks and additional time spent developing the villain.

    Season 3 of AoS was promoted as the "Secret Warriors" season from what I remember. I think the team ended up together once or twice total in the actual season and the second half focused more on the whole "Fallen Agent" story line.

    So no love for Supernatural's Lucifer? Mark Pelligrino is excellent in the role and the show, at this point, has explored multiple facets with his character.

    "Everything I do here is a first. First man to catch a Mewtwo in Pokemon Go."

    I would bet his mother did nothing to the degree of sacrificing her life to save a shit ton of people like his dad did.

    So you think the whole concept of sons wanting to live up to be like their fathers is sexist? C'mon…

    I don't remember Now You See Me having actual magic. It just had highly inconceivable magic tricks.