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    What do you mean by they have no clue what they're doing? It's obvious as day what they're doing…they're putting all of the pieces in place for major confrontations at the end of the season that will bring many of the main characters together. They're easing the series into its end game.

    I don't think they're similar at all because their motivations aren't actually the same. Cersei is a megalomaniac, she craves power and recognition that she feels she deserves (even though she doesn't, as her own father points out to her). The issues she faces are mostly caused by her own greed, rashness, and,

    I thought about Wun Wun too…mainly that he counts as way more than one man.

    She was as minor of a character as you can get with Game of Thrones…sorry if you're a fan but honestly seems dumb to complain about her dying in the midst of all the other deaths on this show.

    Another great episode, I'm loving that the show's pacing has urgency again and that we're not seeing characters run into two to three mishaps while traveling from one place to another. It really feels like D&D fixed the issues that plagued S5.

    NBC…it's the Network for Blacklist and Chicago!

    Quesarito futures took quite the hit from this guy ordering only crispy tacos after waking up from a coma.

    God that sounds stupid (the Game of Thrones Kickstarter I mean). Stupider than Kickstarter normally is.

    I personally didn't think the first Godzilla was great. It seemed like it was going to be really, really good up until Bryan Cranston died. Then it was all Aaron Taylor Johnson who is one of the most wooden and boring actors around and his performance simply didn't resonate at all. So can't say I'm upset about the

    Yea it was really fun to see him do all the breakings of the bad in that show for sure.

    I had a bigger issue with Cranston dying within the first half-hour of the movie honestly - I'd have watched a movie of mostly him and a little Godzilla. But mostly Aaron Taylor Johnson and a little Godzilla? Who the fuck thought Aaron Taylor Johnson, there's a guy people will like?

    If you're willing to mortgage your future and scrap all of your assets, and friend and family assets, together, I'm sure you could run a shithole bar too if you wanted to.

    Agreed, I work as a consultant at the corporate level and have been brought in to do short-term assessments of departments and the issues are always obvious. But the solutions to solve the issues aren't as straight-forward, especially when you factor in that the client has to foot the bill for whatever we recommend.

    Bar Rescue is OK but I'm kind of tired of reality shows based on turning around bad businesses in a matter of days. Would be fun to see a show that focuses on realistic turnaround projects which spends more time detailing the business decisions / cost vs showing a business owner getting yelled at nonstop.

    Haha…that reminds me of my favorite Restaurant Impossible episode. Robert told a father and son they needed to communicate better and that he'd give them time to talk. He then went outside and listened to what was supposed to be a private conversation. Within two minutes of leaving, he came bursting back in the room,

    Ramsay at 2-1 is terrible, there is nothing that would make you believe one of the main villains in the series is going to get killed off before the midway point of the season…

    To be fair, she was a regular on White Collar when it first started and that show lasted six seasons. She just got written off after one.

    That's been my approach for years, I'll binge through network shows that last long and have good reviews (Elementary being one example). But I'm not going to waste time getting hooked on a new show that is more likely to be axed after one or two seasons than not.

    Sounds like a beige alert to me if I've ever heard one.

    Giving Jughead lunch was pretty much equatable to giving any other character a BJ in the Archie comics.