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    FX seems to want to give Louis CK (!) and Kurt Sutter (?!?) free reign.

    Probably will stagger the premieres and give some of their shows with weaker ratings shortened orders.

    I'm a big fan of Frequency - there are obvious plot holes but the movie was just damn fun to watch.

    They might as well bring in Conner Kent if they're doing that.

    They should just make Supernatural canon to Arrow-verse already. Sam and Dean would definitely be useful against somelike Damien Dahrk.

    How unfortunate you didn't bother to read the article as she didn't say anything bad about her past roles…

    Blunt is the overwhelming fan choice for the role so wouldn't surprise me if she got it. I did like Ferguson for it though - she was great in Ghost Protocol and seemed like an actress Marvel could easily lock down for 6-8 movies.

    Have you watched Flash? They've done some impressive CGI work with Grodd and King Shark.

    POI is only on for like five more weeks though.

    I'm kind of just assuming at this point that we're going to get a Crisis on Infinite Earths type story on CW now. Would allow for Supergirl and whoever joins her on the new channel to join Flash / Arrow continuity. And would also allow for Earth-2 Laurel to join Arrow and be a much better Black Canary than Earth-1

    I think they need a more badass actress for that role. Emily Blunt or Rebecca Ferguson (who was rumored for the role) IMO.

    Why can't we just have a Person of Interest universe? Possible POI spinoffs:

    It's a pretty sad state of affairs when you need to rely on sensationalized movies for people to understand basic economic concepts like don't spend way more money than you earn in an average year.

    Julia Roberts is clearly past her prime as a movie star unless you've got some sort of Jared from Silicon Valley-esque obsession with her.

    /Harry Dunne

    Up her vagina?

    Klaw is definitely going to be in it, AoU gave that away pretty clearly.

    Given the long turnaround times between seasons, AS doing that is akin to GRRM posting a chapter of the next ASOIAF book haha.

    Was your friend Garry Shandling's bastard offspring or something?

    I read another interview where they talked about having material for S7 plotted out if they got renewed but they weren't sure if it wouldn't happen. I was a bit worried because the show does seem expensive to produce.